Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 4-21-2021

 Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Today's Gift 

The first skill needed for the Inner Game is called "letting it happen." This means gradually building a trust in the innate ability of your body to learn and to perform. —W. Timothy Gallwey

A strange and intriguing mystery confronts us in the person growth process. We are mending our ways; we are becoming accountable; we are striving to do what is right, yet we are learning to let go. This seems like a contradiction of logic, but it leads us to a spiritual awakening.

We are becoming like the accomplished tennis player who has practiced diligently to develop every detail of their skill. Yet when they are playing the game, they cannot focus on control. They must get their ego out of the way and let their self go. It is in letting go that they rise to their highest level of fulfillment. Today we will do what we must. We can make the choices we are faced with. Then we allow ourselves to be carried along by our Higher Power to complete and fulfill the process.

I will look for opportunities to let it happen today.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Walk in Dry Places

The Good that I do____ Action
Why do we hold back when we're offered the opportunity to help others or to do something unusually kind? Why is it that many people are reluctant to give of themselves unless rewarded with recognition or praise?

We may hold back because we do not understand that any good action always brings its own reward. Despite Shakespeare's timeless saying, the good we do is not "interred with our bones"… it does survive, now and in the future.

We've learned in Twelve Step programs that it's not really satisfying to work only for recognition and praise. There also has to be a confident feeling that our efforts are contributing to a large good with a worthwhile purpose. That's what makes AA so special to people who are completely devoted to it… we know that anything done for AA makes the world a better place.

We should also know that those who can help others are fortunate, well-favored people. Others may want to help, but lack the tools. We have the tools to give the help that changes lives---- and the world.

Today's Action: The good that I do today is a treasure I'll always possess. I need not fear the act of letting my higher self take over and guide me.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Having so considered our day, not omitting to take due
note of things well done, and having searched our hearts
with neither fear nor favor, we can truly thank our Higher Power for the
blessings we have received and sleep in good conscience.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Ten) p. 95

Thought to Ponder
Gratitude is a most effective painkiller for the alcoholic.

AA-related 'Alconym'
B E S T = B
een Enjoying Sobriety Today?

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator
Slippery slope
by Ralph Marston

Doing one small thing against your better judgment is not likely to have a major negative impact on your life. The problem is, that one thing can lead to another, and another, and soon you can be a long way from where you intended.

Avoiding a slippery slope in the first place is a whole lot less demanding than climbing back up. The small things matter much more than they might seem.

Self discipline has the unfortunate reputation of being difficult and oppressive. But it’s a lack of self discipline that actually ends up causing more trouble and misery.

When you continually discipline yourself about the small things, the big things rarely become an issue. You can either discipline yourself in ways you choose, or life will do it for you in ways you certainly will not like.

Every choice, big and small, has consequences. Every choice is an opportunity to re-affirm your commitment to a positive and meaningful future.

Make the best of all those opportunities. Your life is too valuable to choose even one small step in a negative direction.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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