Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 3-9-2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Today's Gift 

I want to get you excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now. —Virginia Satir

Deciding to grow from within was our first step. That decision meant we did want to go beyond where we were. We did want something better for ourselves. And at times, in fleeting moments, we have been excited about who we are and our prospects for a better life.

The excitement and the inspiration come and go; they are seldom stationary. We can actively create the excitement and the inspiration. We need not wait for them to come to us. That's one of the choices we have as human beings, as women.

Passively waiting for "the good life" is past behavior. Each day, this day, we can set our sights on reaching a goal--we can take a step, or two, toward that goal. Progress is there for the making--achievement is there for the taking.

Whatever our hearts' pure desires, we can move toward that goal. We are what we need to be. We have what we need to move ahead.

Today, I will let my excitement for life's possibilities spur me on.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day http://www.hazeldenbettyford.org/recovery/thought-for-the-day
Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Keep It Simple

To listen is to hear with one’s heart.

Keeping silent while a friend is talking should not be confused with listening. Dialogue can fill our minds even when friends are sharing the most intimate details of their lives. Why is it so difficult to listen?

Our listening impairment probably began in childhood. We feared we didn’t measure up, so we were constantly obsessed with what other people thought of us. Worry became a way of life, and we seldom distinguished between the trivial and the important. We learned to keep our minds trapped in thought.

Listening with our heart is a new skill. When we try it, we’ll first be touched by the emotion contained in the message being shared. Then our own worry thoughts will recede. Letting another’s pain or joy reach our hearts will enrich us. We will come to understand that paying loving attention to someone’s story will offer us answers we didn’t even know we needed.

Action for the Day: It’s not coincidental if a friend comes to me in need today. I’ll receive the guidance I need through what is shared.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings - http://www.bluidkiti.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=2

One Day At A Time

For without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all.
Nearly all A.A.'s have found, too, that unless they develop much more
of this precious quality than may be required just for sobriety, they still
haven't much chance of becoming truly happy. Without it, they cannot
live to much useful purpose, or, in adversity, be able to summon
the faith that can meet any emergency.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Seven) p. 70

Thought to Ponder
With humility, we accept our place as one among many others.

AA-related 'Alconym'
C H A N G E D = C
hoosing Humility Allows New Growth Each Day

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy AA-Alive.net) http://www.aa-alive.net/index.html
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator
Accept this moment
by Ralph Marston

Accept the moment that is, as it is. Settle into it, easing away from dissatisfaction with the past, away from concern about the future.

Accept the situation that is, as it is. Once you do, you give yourself the power to transcend it.

Acceptance is about right now, and doesn’t mean you’re forever fine with the way things are. It means you’re clear, realistic, able to focus, able to act in beneficial ways.

Let go of your racing thoughts about what could have been, what might or might not happen. Stop second guessing yourself and center your thoughts and actions around a positive intention.

What’s done is done, and now is the time to make good use of it. Whatever challenges may loom ahead, the best way to meet them is with clarity and meaningful purpose.

Keep all your energy pointed toward what you can do right now to support those things that truly matter. Accept this moment fully, and empower yourself to create maximum value with it.

From The Daily Motivator website at http://greatday.com/

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