Friday, September 20, 2019

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 9-20-2019

Friday, September 20, 2019
Today's Gift

…there are two entirely opposite attitudes possible in facing the problems of one's life. One, to try and change the external world, the other, to try and change oneself. ~Joanna Field

God grant us the courage to change what we can—ourselves. How difficult it is to let go of our struggles to control and change someone else. How frequently we assume that everything would be fine if only someone else would change. All that needs to change is an attitude, our own.

Taking responsibility for improving one's own life is an important step toward emotional health. Blaming another for our circumstances keeps us stuck and offers no hope for improved conditions. Personal power is as available as our decision to use it. And it is bolstered by all the strength we'll ever need. The decision to take our lives in hand will exhilarate us. The decision each day to be thoughtful, prayerful, and wholly responsible for all that we do will nourish our developing selves. Each responsible choice moves us toward our wholeness, strengthening our sense of self, our well-being.

I will change only who I can today: myself.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©


From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.
---Mark Twain

Sometimes it does no good to try to “deal” with your feelings. For the
moment, we’re stuck. We can only see things one way. No matter
what anyone says, we’re closed up. For the moment. But this puts our
sobriety at risk.

How do we stop self-pity? Focus on someone else. When we really want
to help someone else be happy, we'll ask our Higher Power’s help.
Then things start to change, because our good deeds come back to us.
Remember, service will always keep us sober.

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, sometimes I get stuck in my old ways.
Help me change my focus at those times. Help me stay sober.

Action for the Day: I will think of a time when I was stuck in bad feelings.
How did I get out of that spot.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Dealing With Sobriety
God willing, we members of A.A. may never again have to deal
with drinking, but we have to deal with sobriety every day. How
do we do it? By learning—through practicing the Twelve Steps
and through sharing at meetings—how to cope with the problems
that we looked to booze to solve, back in our drinking days.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, (To Handle Sobriety) pp. 558 - 559

Thought to Ponder
The Twelve Steps; a manuscript for rational living.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A A = A
mazing Adventure

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

The best input
by Ralph Marston

The quality of your output is highly dependent on the quality of your input. What quality is the input you are giving to your life?

Vigorous, healthy activity, good nutrition, positive, truthful information sources all lead you toward favorable outcomes. So do beneficial habits, a variety of experiences, uplifting thoughts, and enthusiastic people.

If the results you desire are not coming out of your efforts, ask yourself this. What can you do to improve what you’re putting in?

You can’t make a quality product from inferior raw materials. To achieve the best outcome, start with the highest quality input.

Bypass the junk in your food, your facts, your friends, and your activities. Insist on truthful, in-depth information, quality nutrition, challenging work, and positive people in your life.

The quality of the life you live comes from the quality of what you put into it. Every day, every encounter, every choice, take the opportunity to give your life the best input.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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