Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 8-16-2018

Thursday, August 16, 2018
Today's Gift

I'll be the sun upon your head,
The wind about your face,
My love upon the path you tread,
And upon your wanderings, peace.
—Gordon Bok

Today I will feel. I will feel wind and water, earth and sun. I will feel rain, the taste of it, and the soft sting of its coolness. I will feel the familiar touch of my shirt against my skin, my hair across my face in the wind.

Today I will feel love like a candle on a birthday cake that never goes out - no matter how much you blow on it. I will feel compassion like a toothache, a dull pain that lets me go about my business but never goes away. I will feel joy and sorrow, pain, and pleasure. Today I will feel. I will feel like a human being, unique as a snowflake, common as grass.

How many different ways do I feel today?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©
Today's Gift Daily Meditations for Families.jpg

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Love is a force. It is not a result; it is a cause. It is not a product; it produces. It is a power, like money, or steam or electricity. It is valueless unless you can give something else by means of it. --Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Love and feeling loved--how often both elude us! We have taken the first step, though. Let's be grateful for our recovery; this is an act of love. We have chosen to love ourselves, and the program opens the way to our loving others. Love and loving are balms for the soul sickness we experience. We are being healed. We are healing one another.

Loving others means going beyond our own selfish concerns, for the moment, and putting others' concerns first. The result is that others feel our love. They feel a caring that is healing. And our spiritual natures are likewise soothed.

We find our Higher Power and ourselves through touching the souls of one another. Our most special gift is being loved and giving love. Every moment we spend with another person is gift-giving time.

Today’s Action: Every day is a gift-giving holiday, if I will but make it so.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

From this doctor, the broker had learned the grave nature of alcoholism.
Though he could not accept all the tenets of the Oxford Groups, he was
convinced of the need for moral inventory, confession of personality defects,
restitution to those harmed, helpfulness to others, and the necessity of
belief in and dependence upon a Higher Power.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. xvi

Thought to Ponder
AA is not something we join; it's a way of life.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A A = A
chieve Anything

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

by Ralph Marston

Maybe you don’t have to answer the phone every time it rings. Maybe you don’t need to squeeze every last penny of profit out of your efforts.

Maybe a day in the sunshine would clarify your thoughts. Maybe a swim in the ocean would energize your passion.

Maybe those conditions you’ve been putting on happiness, you’d be better off without. Maybe joy can be lived right here and now, without waiting for where you think you need to be.

Maybe doing the difficult, challenging work will actually turn out to be fun. Maybe commitment, responsibility, discipline, and effort will raise your life to a new level of enjoyment.

Maybe some of the opinions you so staunchly defend could benefit from some challenges and revisions. Maybe you’d actually be okay if you could let go of the need to prove you’re right.

Maybe life can be a whole lot better than you’ve ever thought it could be. Maybe today is a great day to find out.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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