Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 8-15-2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Today's Gift

A person's life is what their thoughts make it. —Marcus Aurelius

How do we think about ourselves? Do we feel unattractive? Do we feel we aren't strong enough? Do we doubt our ability to perform our roles as friends, spouses, or parents? Such thoughts are common among everyone. There is no problem in having them; they are normal to some extent. But what we do with our thoughts - how we think about what we think - makes a big difference in our lives.

When we think we are odd or different from other people for feeling this way, we become more self-centered. When we don't stand up for our rights as a person to have our doubts and weaknesses, we become even more weak and doubting. When we don't talk about our thoughts and feelings to other people, we become isolated and lonely. We have a right to feel insecure and to know we have weaknesses. We become a stronger person by accepting our doubts. They may still cause some pain but they have lost their power to control us. Just as a repaired seam can be stronger than the original, what was our weakness becomes our strength.

Today, I accept my thoughts of weakness and self-doubt as part of life.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.---Shakespeare

We are addicts. We suffer from an illness. We go to Twelve Step meetings because we know who we are. We have a sponsor because we know who we are. We ask friends for support because we know who we are. We know why we need our Higher Power to guide us. Recovery is a spiritual journey. In this journey, we are followers, not guides. It's a journey that change us. We don't know how recovery will change us, but we know it will. Is my faith strong enough for my journey? Part of how we get strong for our journey is by knowing who we truly are: addicts. 

Prayer for the Day: I pray to remember who I am, so I'll learn to respect the power of my illness.

Action for the Day: I'll take time to remember my past, both good and bad. I'll also take time to think about who I am now. How far have I come?

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Character Flaws
Still goaded by sheer necessity, we reluctantly come to grips with those serious character
flaws that made problem drinkers and drug users of us in the first place, flaws which must be dealt with to prevent a retreat into alcoholism and addiction once again. We will want to be rid of some of these defects, but in some instances this will appear to be an impossible job from which we recoil. And we cling with a passionate persistence to others which are just as disturbing to our equilibrium, because we still enjoy them too much.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 73

Thought to Ponder
If I want my Higher Power to remove my character defects, I'll have to stop doing them.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A A = A
ccountable Actions

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Higher version of reality
by Ralph Marston

Allow all to be right with life, right now. It’s not really so hard to do.

You cannot change anything about what has already happened, so choose to let it be. This moment is not perfect, yet it’s the one you have, so recognize the goodness in it.

Allowing all to be right with life is not a matter of being naive or denying reality. Indeed, it is the acknowledgement of a higher version of reality.

In every difficulty is the opportunity to give love, to offer hope, to engage in positive effort. In every challenge are real possibilities for progress and new value.

Allow all to be right with life, and connect yourself with those possibilities. See today from a higher perspective, and expand upon the goodness that’s already present.

Fix your awareness on a higher version of reality, in which all is right with life. Let yourself be energized to make a positive difference in everything you do.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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