Friday, June 18, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 6-18-2021

 Friday, June 18, 2021
Today's Gift

Making Life Easier

Life doesn't have to be hard.

Yes, there are times we need to endure, struggle through, and rely on our survival skills. But we don't have to make life, growth, change, or our day-to-day affairs that hard all the time.

Having life be that hard is a remnant of our martyrdom, a leftover from old ways of thinking, feeling, and believing. We are worthy, even when life isn't that hard. Our value and worth are not determined by how hard we struggle.

If we're making it that hard, we may be making it harder than it needs to be, said one person. Learn to let things happen easily and naturally. Learn to let events, and our participation in them, fall into place. It can be easy now. Easier than it has been. We can go with the flow, take the world off our shoulders, and let our Higher Power ease us into where we need to be.

Today, I will stop struggling so hard. I will let go of my belief that life and growth have to be hard. I will replace it with a belief that I can walk this journey in ease and peace. And sometimes, it can actually be fun.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day
Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple
One receives only that which is given. The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words, return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy. —Florence Scovel Shin

Each of us can attest to the truth of this passage. During the difficult times, however, it is not uppermost in our minds that "what goes around, comes around." It feels all too easy to be justifiably resentful or to gossip, or to ignore another's presence. And the repercussions are seldom immediate. They will come, though.

Goodness is likewise repaid. Giving love, attention, and respect to the individuals who share our lives and to the people who cross our paths by chance, will smooth our own passage day by day. The effects of our goodness will often be felt quickly. A smile elicits a smile. Kind thoughts bless us as well as the receiver. Life events do come full circle.

Action for the Day: With a bit of effort, I can smile at someone today, even though I'm frowning inside. Both will be better for it.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Acquire Willingness
But now it appears that there are certain things which only
the individual can do. All by their self, and in the light of their own
circumstances, they need to develop the quality of willingness.
When they acquire willingness, they are the only one who can make
the decision to exert them self. Trying to do this is an act of their own
will. All of the Twelve Steps require sustained and personal exertion
to conform to their principles and so, we trust, to our Higher Power's will.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Three) p. 40

Thought to Ponder

What have I been given today?
Am I willing to reach out and grasp it?

AA-related 'Alconym'
W H O = W
illingness, Honesty, Open-mindedness

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator
Live creatively
by Ralph Marston

Creativity is not just for writers and artists. Every endeavor in life, and indeed life itself, can benefit from a creative approach.

There’s the way you’ve always done it, and it works, and that’s fine. Yet very likely there’s an even better way, more effective, more satisfying, more enduring, more fun.

Look at what’s there now, consider what’s happened in the past and how it worked out, then mix it all with what might be. That’s a good starting point for creativity.

Then perhaps you can add in a little randomness, something that catches your eye. Because, who knows, it might just work.

That doesn’t mean you should completely disconnect from reality in order to be creative. What it means is that there are plenty of ways you can creatively improve on reality.

And in a very fundamental sense, isn’t that what life is all about? Live creatively, and continue discovering new ways to be more fully alive.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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