Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 6-10-2021

 Thursday, June 10, 2021
Today's Gift

Self care means taking responsibility for ourselves. Taking responsibility for ourselves includes assuming our true responsibilities to others. --Melody Beattie

Sometimes we're worn down from feeling responsible for so many other people. Learning that we need only take responsibility for ourselves may be such a great relief that, for a time, we disown our responsibilities to others.

The goal in life is to find the balance: we take responsibility for ourselves, and we identify our true responsibilities to others.

This may take some sorting through, especially if we have functioned for years on distorted notions about our responsibilities to others. We may be responsible to one person as a friend or as an employee; to another person, we're responsible as an employer or as a spouse. With each person, we have certain responsibilities. When we tend to those true responsibilities, we'll find balance in our life.

We are also learning that while others aren't responsible for us, they are accountable to us in certain ways.

We can learn to discern our true responsibilities for ourselves, and to others. We can allow others to be responsible for themselves and expect them to be appropriately responsible to us.

We'll need to be gentle with ourselves while we learn.

Today, I will strive for clear thinking about my actual responsibilities to others. I will assume these responsibilities as part of taking care of myself.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day
Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple
When we start at the center of ourselves, we discover something worthwhile extending toward the periphery of the circle. We find again some of the joy in the now, some of the peace in the here, some of the love in me and thee which go to make up the kingdom of heaven on earth. --G. F. Sear

Perhaps we have feared discovering our center; perhaps we have feared finding nothing there. The struggle to believe in ourselves, to know we have an important part to play in the circle of life, the circle encompassing all life, is a hard-fought struggle for many of us. But we are learning. We are finding treasures within ourselves. Others are helping us to find those treasures. Sharing special moments in time with loved ones and ones we are learning to love reveals many treasures.

All we have is here--now--us. We are all we ever need to be--here and now. We are, at every moment, what we need to be if only we'd trust revealing our true selves, our centers, to one another. Our centers each need that of another.

The Universe needs each of us for what we add to it. The worthiness of the Universe, of the whole circle, is enhanced by the inclusion of our centers.

Action for the Day: I will share my center today with you.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Like most people, we have found that we can take our big lumps
as they come. But also like others, we often discover a greater
challenge in the lesser and more continuous problems of life. Our
answer is in still more spiritual development. Only by this means
can we improve our chances for really happy and useful living.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Twelve) p. 114

Thought to Ponder
Life is a steady drizzle of small things -- carry an umbrella.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A R T = A
lways Remain Teachable

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation
The power of humility
by Ralph Marston

In genuine humility, there is enormous power. Free yourself from the demands of your ego, and there is no limit to where you can go.

Let go of your desire to control others, and you vastly improve the ability to control, focus and direct your own actions. Let go of the illusion that you already know it all, and you open yourself to higher levels of enlightenment.

Move beyond the need to blame, and you gain a greater degree of responsibility. Get past the impulse to place judgments on others, and you’re able to focus much more clearly on matters of real and lasting value.

Give up the thought that you’re better than everyone else, and a whole new world of opportunity opens up to you. Stop seeking unfair advantage, and you’re free to develop an unstoppable effectiveness.

Quit demanding the most and start expecting the best. You’ll experience a level of true abundance that you never before could have imagined.

Live each moment with humility, love, respect and gratitude for the whole of life that surrounds you. And you will find a treasure that has no end.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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