Monday, May 24, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 5-24-2021

Monday, May 24, 2021
Today's Gift 

It's ironic, but until you can free those final monsters within the jungle of yourself, your life, your soul is up for grabs. —Rona Barrett

We all have monsters. Maybe it's depression over the past or present circumstances, or resentment about another's behavior, or fear of new situations. Maybe it's jealousy of other people. The more attention we give the monsters, the more powerful they get. The harder we try to resist the jealousy or depression or fear, the greater it becomes.

The Universe offers us the way to let go. And we find the way through one another. When we share ourselves fully with one another, share our monsters with one another, they no longer dominate us. They seek the dark recesses of our minds, and when we shine the light on them, they recoil. The Universe offers us an eternal light.

I will let the Universe shine its light in my life today. My monsters will flee for the day.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. ~Step Four of Al-Anon

By the time we get to the Fourth of the Twelve Steps, we are ready to face our darker side, the side that prevents us from loving ourselves and others, from letting others love us, and from enjoying life. The purpose of Step Four is not to make ourselves feel worse; our purpose is to begin to remove our blocks to joy and love.

We look for fears, anger, hurt, and shame from past events—buried feelings that may be affecting our life today. We search for subconscious beliefs about ourselves and others that may be interfering with the quality of our relationships. These beliefs say: I’m not lovable… I’m a burden to those around me… People can’t be trusted… I can’t be trusted… I don’t deserve to be happy and successful… Life isn’t worth living. We look at our behaviors and patterns with an eye toward discerning the self-defeating ones. With love and compassion for ourselves, we try to unearth all our guilt—earned and unearned—and expose it to the light.

We perform this examination without fear of what we shall find, because this soul-searching can cleanse us and help us feel better about ourselves than we ever dreamt possible.

Action for the Day: Higher Power, help me search out the blocks and barriers within myself. Bring what I need to know into my conscious mind, so I can be free of it. Show me what I need to know about myself.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Psychic Change
On the other hand—and strange as this may seem to those who
do not understand—once a psychic change has occurred, the very
same person who seemed doomed, who had so many problems
they despaired of ever solving them, suddenly finds their self easily
able to control their desire for alcohol, the only effort necessary
being that required to follow a few simple rules.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, (The Doctor's Opinion) p. xxix

Thought to Ponder
A spiritual awakening is our greatest gift.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A R T = A
lways Remain Teachable

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator
Open to new experiences
by Ralph Marston

You don’t have to get caught up deciding the absolute perfect thing to do. Just start where you are and move toward whatever looks the most fulfilling, valuable, intriguing.

You can’t know in advance how life will play out. What you can do is give your care and attention to the details as they emerge.

Consider how many great opportunities have been missed by people holding out for the ideal opportunity. Avoid getting caught in that trap.

A few possible courses of action clearly won’t do, and you can dismiss them out of hand. Then from all the other possibilities, pick one and go right ahead with it.

It probably won’t be the best thing you’ve ever done, though it could be. Yet it’s likely to be a whole lot better than doing nothing.

Be open to new experiences, especially the ones you’re not certain about. Adventure is where you find it, and you can find it just about anywhere.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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