Friday, March 26, 2021
Today's Gift
Today stands before us, ready for our involvement. And it will offer us opportunities for personal growth and occasions to help another make progress on their path to the future. Challenges are to be expected. They further our purpose. They foster our maturity.
How different it is, for many of us, to look forward to today with secure anticipation, to trust in what the future holds! We can still remember, all too vividly perhaps, the darker periods in our lives, periods that seemed to hold no promise; a time when we dreaded the future, fearing it would only compound those awful times.
The fear and the dread are not gone completely. They hover about us, on occasion. They no longer need to darken all of a day, however. We can recognize their presence as parts of our whole, not all of it. How free we are, today! Our choices are many.
I can step toward today with assurance, reaching out to others along the way, trusting that my accumulated steps add stability to my future.
From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©
From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day
********************************Twenty-Four Hours a DayKeep It Simple
Vulnerability is as much a part of being human as is strength. Our vulnerability prevents our strength from becoming hard, brittle, self-serving. Our soft edges invite others' openness and their expressions of love.
We learned long ago to be "strong”. We were encouraged to need no help, to need nobody. Now, we struggle to ask for help. As we grow in understanding of our human needs, and as we become more aware of the spiritual help avail able, the difficulty of reaching out to others is eased.
No longer need we look to pills, booze, food, or lovers for strength. All the strength we'll ever need is as close as our thoughts. At this moment, we are a tower of strength, not one weighted with burdens. Rather, our strength is a gift of our connection to a spiritual power that can free us from all the troubles we shoulder. Our vulnerable selves will open our souls to the flood of strength just waiting for our prayers.
Action for the Day: I will be as strong as I need to be when l tap the spiritual source that awaits my call. I will risk my vulnerable self today.
From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -
One Day At A Time
Why did A.A. finally drop all its membership regulations? . . . The answer,
now seen in Tradition Three, was simplicity itself. At last experience taught
us that to take away any alcoholic's full chance was sometimes to pronounce
their death sentence, and often to condemn them to endless misery. Who dared
to be judge, jury, and executioner of their own sick brother? As group after group
saw these possibilities, they finally abandoned all membership regulations.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Tradition Three) p. 141
Thought to Ponder
Sobriety is the adventure of a lifetime.
And it begins the moment we ask AA for help.
AA-related 'Alconym'
Y A N A = You Are Not Alone
From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Something in return***************************Daily MotivationExcerpt of The Daily Motivator
by Ralph Marston
Avoiding action, avoiding commitment, does not enable you to avoid suffering. It just makes the suffering meaningless, and thus far worse.
This day will cost you twenty four hours of your precious life. Make sure you get something of real value in exchange.
You have great potential, to the point that it could be considered magical. Yet for that magic to arise, it must be applied toward a specific and meaningful purpose.
If your potential is hidden away and never used it is quite literally of no use. Any option, skill, or ability that’s not ever exercised might as well not exist.
Moving forward with meaningful purpose does not put you or your potential at any greater risk of loss or hardship. It empowers you to create value and fulfillment out of the risk that is already built into life.
One way or another you’re going to pay the price for each moment, for every year. Live your life so as to experience true meaning and fulfillment in return.
Avoiding action, avoiding commitment, does not enable you to avoid suffering. It just makes the suffering meaningless, and thus far worse.
This day will cost you twenty four hours of your precious life. Make sure you get something of real value in exchange.
You have great potential, to the point that it could be considered magical. Yet for that magic to arise, it must be applied toward a specific and meaningful purpose.
If your potential is hidden away and never used it is quite literally of no use. Any option, skill, or ability that’s not ever exercised might as well not exist.
Moving forward with meaningful purpose does not put you or your potential at any greater risk of loss or hardship. It empowers you to create value and fulfillment out of the risk that is already built into life.
One way or another you’re going to pay the price for each moment, for every year. Live your life so as to experience true meaning and fulfillment in return.
From The Daily Motivator website at
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