Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 3-18-2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021
Today's Gift  

Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression. —Dodie Smith

Depression feeds on itself. With attention it worsens, but there are places for our attention. We can move our focus to a person who is close by, a person who is struggling to determine their direction in life. We can offer our ears. Or we can observe attentively, today, all the people and children we see on the streets. When we notice their expressions, we realize they, too, may be suffering.

Doing something for someone else will lessen our own problems, no matter what the cause. In fact, just doing something will lift our spirits. Depression becomes habitual, and habits, even those that are detrimental, are easy to hang onto. When we take an action, even a small one, we can note the change: Action that benefits another is guaranteed to benefit us as well.

Depression does get worse with self-pitying attention; however, attention to ourselves that is nurturing has its place. We can pamper ourselves, but not pity ourselves. Pampering reflects approval, caring, self-respect; three attitudes inconsistent with depression. Even more than inconsistent, pampering and depression are incongruent.

Depression must be coddled to maintain it. It's my choice to move beyond it at any moment. I can put something besides my problem at my center today and enjoy the results.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day
Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple
The greatest mystery of life is that satisfaction is felt not by those who take and make demands but by those who give and make sacrifices. ~Nikolai Berdyaev

What a different world this would be if we knew that seeking fame and fortune, and striving for gain would only bring us discord and misery. Beginning with childhood, we all receive messages that getting is the purpose of living: we must have romantic love, sexual fulfillment, possessions, and prestige to be happy. This is emphasized constantly by various forms of advertising, business, and entertainment.

The Universe has a different message: Help one another. We learn from experience in our program that happiness comes from giving—whether it be time, talent, money, or other things. Experience tells us that giving what we have to help someone else makes us a lot happier than keeping it to ourselves.

Action for the Day: Today I will put my emphasis on giving.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Freedom from Fear
When, with our Higher Power’s help, we calmly accepted our lot, then we found we
could live at peace with ourselves and show others who still suffered
the same fears that they could get over them, too. We found that
freedom from fear was more important than freedom from want.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, (Step Twelve) p. 122

Thought to Ponder
What I fear is rarely as bad as the fear itself.

AA-related 'Alconym'
F E A R = F
ace Everything And Recover

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator
Empower you
by Ralph Marston

Think about this question, and notice how it instantly makes you feel good about yourself. What new positive action could you commit yourself to taking every day without fail?

The mere consideration of that question touches something powerful and positive within you. It reminds you about all the good things of which you are capable.

Now, take it a step further. Provide yourself with a real, meaningful answer to that question.

Next, imagine yourself making the commitment to do whatever you have chosen, and following through on it, day after day. Envision a new level of discipline and purpose being added to your life.

Again, notice how good it feels just going through the mental exercise. Then, motivated and empowered by that positive feeling within, make that commitment to yourself and take the necessary actions in its service.

Transform that good feeling into actual progress. Prove to yourself what you can do, experience it, and it will empower you to move forward even more.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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