Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 8-9-2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018
Today's Gift

We honor the spirit in other people when we listen to them. --Karen Casey

The Universe's messages surround us. The 24 hours before us are special, never to be repeated. The people we share the day with carry our lessons within their words and actions. Let's be vigilant in our attempts to listen.

We have so much to learn, and that's why we're here. Our lives have purpose, even though we might fail to grasp it. Remembering that the Universe is trying to reach us in even the most mundane of circumstances keeps us attentive to everyone in our lives. Our attention to others triggers their lessons too.

The cycle is never-ending. We are not here by accident - we are here by design. The role dysfunctions play in our lives is part of the design. We can learn our lessons and fulfill our purpose only by acknowledging the spirit, the presence of of the Universe, within each person the Universe has ushered to us.

I will pay special attention to the people in my life today. It's a wonderful feeling knowing they are part of the Universe's plan for me.

From the book A Life of My Own by Karen Casey. ©
A Life of My Own by Karen Casey.jpg

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

We must embrace the absurd and go beyond everything we have ever known. --Janie Gustafson

We have stepped beyond the limits of our former life and accepted the possibility of the unknown. Many of us have always tried to be rational, to trust only what we could understand or reason through. That attempt served the part of us that lusted for control and power, but it kept us from unknown possibilities and dreams.

When we decide to be less controlling, we begin to believe in possibilities we didn't allow before. That is how we let our Higher Power influence our lives. Perhaps we don't see a reasonable way to a more satisfying job, but we can be open to surprising possibilities. We may see nothing we can do to overcome our compulsions, but we pray for our Higher Power to remove our shortcomings in Our Higher Power's way, and already we have a new attitude.

Today’s Action: I will ask my Higher Power, give me the courage to step into the unknown, the absurd, and experience the awakening of my spirit.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

Here again we are presented with the temptation to overmanage things, and sometimes
this results in rebuffs and other consequences which are hard to take. But in the longer run
we clearly realize that these are only the pains of growing up, and nothing but good can
come from them if we turn more and more to the entire Twelve Steps for the answers.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 111

Thought to Ponder
Pain is the touchstone of all spiritual progress.

AA-related 'Alconym'
A G O = A
nother Growth Opportunity

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Endless abundance
by Ralph Marston

Live this day in awe. Live this day with love, gratitude, respect, and kindness.

Point your awareness toward all that is good and right about the people and situations you encounter. Open your mind, your heart, your spirit to the highest possibilities in each moment.

Let go of whatever separates you from the peace that lives within. Remember always to make good use of your power to learn, to think, to choose, to act.

Invest your energy in thoughts, feelings, and actions that enrich the lives around you. Take time to fully experience how good it is to be.

Invite serenity into each moment, each thought, encounter, and activity. Live with intention, confidence, and loving purpose.

Go beyond limitations that seem so real but that exist only on the surface. Dive deeply into the endless abundance that flows from the truth of who you are.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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