Friday, September 25, 2015

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 9-25-2015

Friday, September 25, 2015
Today's Gift

Make Peace with the Past
Even our Higher Power cannot change the past.

Holding on to the past, either through guilt, longing, denial, or resentment, is a waste of valuable energy - energy that can be used to transform today and tomorrow.

"I used to live in my past," said one person. "I was either trying to change it, or I was letting it control me. Usually both.

"I constantly felt guilty about things that had happened. Things I had done; things others had done to me - even though I had made amends for most everything, the guilt ran deep. Everything was somehow my fault. I could never just let it go.

"I held on to anger for years, telling myself it was justified. I was in denial about a lot of things. Sometimes, I'd try to absolutely forget about my past, but I never really stopped and sorted through it; my past was like a dark cloud that followed me around, and I couldn't shake clear of it. I guess I was scared to let it go, afraid of today, afraid of tomorrow.

I've been recovering now for years, and it has taken me almost as many years to gain the proper perspective on my past. I'm learning I can't forget it; I need to heal from it. I need to feel and let go of any feelings I still have, especially anger.

"I need to stop blaming myself for painful events that took place, and trust that everything has happened on schedule, and truly all is okay. I've learned to stop regretting, and to start being grateful.

"When I think about the past, I thank my Higher Power for the healing and the memory. If something occurs that needs an amend, I make it and am done with it. I've learned to look at my past with compassion for myself, trusting that my Higher Power was in control, even then.

"I've healed from some of the worst things that happened to me. I've made peace with myself about these issues, and I've learned that healing from some of these issues has enabled me to help others to heal too. I'm able to see how the worst things helped form my character and developed some of my finer points.

"I've even developed gratitude for my failed relationships because they have brought me to who and where I am today.

"What I've learned has been acceptance - without guilt, anger, blame, or shame. I've even had to learn to accept the years I spent feeling guilty, angry, shameful, and blaming."

We cannot control the past. But we can transform it by allowing ourselves to heal from it and by accepting it with love for others and ourselves. I know, because that woman is me.

Today, I will begin being grateful for my past. I cannot change what happened, but I can transform the past by owning my power, now, to accept, heal, and learn from it.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Be thine own palace, or the world's thy jail. --John Donne

All of us have some difficult circumstances to face today. Some among us find ourselves in the hospital or in jail. Others are worried about pressures and frustrations at work. Tensions and concerns about war and the future of the world affect us all. We have many uncontrollable circumstances in our lives, but we don't have to give ourselves over to them. A man's body may be in jail while in his heart he is free.

We build a palace for our spirits by maintaining contact with our Higher Power. We are always within the circle of our Higher Power's love. Always! Knowing that helps us make peace with the limits on what we can do about our situations. Then we can go forth working to make peace in our relationships, accomplish what is possible in our lives, and make a contribution to others.

Action for the Day: Today, I will remember that the frustrations around me are not all of who I am. When I am at peace within, I live among spiritual riches.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums
Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

A Thankful Heart
I am grateful not only for sobriety, but for the quality of life my sobriety has brought.
My Higher Power has been gracious enough to give me sober days and a life blessed with peace and contentment, as well as the ability to give and receive love . . .
For all of this, I have "a full and thankful heart."
- Daily Reflections, p. 93

Thought to Ponder . . .
A full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
F A I T H = F
inding Answers In The Heart.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator 

Goodness prevails
by Ralph Marston

In the darkest darkness, love is more magnificent than ever. In the deepest sadness, hope has the strength to create anything.

When the whole world is against you, every positive action can bring miraculous results. When the burden of being is unbearably heavy, the spirit can fly to infinite heights.

If all is lost, there is no end to what can be gained. Completely let go of everything, and you surely do have it all.

The more confusing and noisy and complicated the world becomes, the more power there is in stillness. When the day is filled with harshness, gentle actions grow more powerful and effective.

In a world filled with fear, truth gains new clarity. In a time of severe discontent, the possibilities for real joy grow ever greater.

At the deepest level, goodness always prevails. For truth by its very nature will not be denied

Read the full message at

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