Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 9-17-2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015
Today's Gift

Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting. —William Shakespeare

An important part of our lives is simply tending to our basic needs - sitting down daily to share a meal with loved ones, getting enough sleep, setting time aside for haircuts and spending leisure time with friends. Paying attention to these things only when they become crises makes our lives unbalanced and crisis oriented. Many people have neglected themselves because they felt it was the mark of a tough person. Others have been so lost in their dysfunctions that a respectful self-caring life was not possible.

As we regain our sanity, we find balance in the basics. Self-love allows us to be responsible for our care, and it puts us in a stronger position to help others, to be creative, and to assert our right to a self-caring life.

Today, I will look after the essentials of my personal care and my family's care before I take on other things.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Desire and longing are the whips of God. --Anna Wickham 
Our dreams and desires inspire us to reach beyond our present stopping-place. That which we can achieve will draw our attention, and with certainty, a partner is on hand to help us chart the steps for realizing the goal.

Before our introduction to the Twelve Steps, we experienced desires and set many goals. Some we attained. What we often lacked was confidence, and then our commitment wavered. The program is helping us realize that all pure desires are attainable when we invite the program's structure into our daily planning.

Our lives are purposeful. Each of us is fulfilling a necessary role. The longings that tug at us, longings that bring no harm to others, or ourselves push us to realize our full potential.
Courage and strength, ability and resourcefulness are never lacking when we follow the guidance within and trust in its direction. All the wisdom necessary for succeeding at any task, completing any goal, charting any desire, is as close as our attention is to our Higher 

Action for the Day: I will pay heed to my desires today. I will pray for the wisdom to fulfill them. All doors will open and my steps will be guided, when the desire is spiritually sound.

One Day At A Time

Very few of us experience a sudden, startling spiritual experience of any kind.
Usually, the change is gradual. Yet it is no less a spiritual awakening.
Whether we awaken with a bound or after much stretching, we awaken.
When there is a spiritual awakening, self-centeredness, fear, and frustration
are supplanted by helpful friendliness, happiness (perhaps even a touch of serenity), and fulfillment.
- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], p. 178

Thought to Ponder . . .
A spiritual awakening is our greatest gift.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = A
lways Alive.

Daily Motivation

Accept the challenge

Don’t fight your problems, because they will fight back even more fiercely. Allow them, accept them, and you gain the power to move beyond them.

Don’t pretend or wish or hope that the difficult situations are nonexistent. They are real, and it is by acknowledging the reality of their challenges that you begin to successfully address those challenges.

You are so powerful, so resourceful, so very determined and effective, when you allow yourself to be. Stop running, stop hiding, stop fighting, and let yourself start creating.

Start creating your life from a perspective of love. Instead of being fearful, anxious, angry or in denial about what is, be filled with joy about what you can now do.

Life is difficult, and in that difficulty you can experience your great, positive power. Accept what is, and feel the power rise within you.

You have done many great things, and you have much more to offer. Accept the challenge, and let it bring forth the best you’ve ever been.

— Ralph Marston

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