Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Motivation 11-26-2012

Monday, November 26, 2012
Today's Gift

Having inner peace means committing to letting go of self-criticism and self-doubt. - Sanaya Roman

Letting Go of Self-Criticism

Look how far we've come!

It's good to focus on the task ahead, on what remains to be done. It's important to stop and feel pleased about what we've accomplished too.

Yes, it may seem that the change has been slow. At times, change is grueling. Yes, we've taken steps backward. But we're right where we're supposed to be. We're right where we need to be.

And we have come so far.

Sometimes by leaps, sometimes with tiny steps, sometimes kicking and screaming all the while, sometimes with sleeves rolled up and white knuckles, we've learned. Grown. Changed.

Look how far we've come.

Today, I will appreciate my progress. I will let myself feel good about what has been accomplished.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Walk In Dry Places
Waste Utilization
Releasing the past
Today the world faces seemingly insurmountable problems with solid and liquid waste. Communities struggle to find solutions as waste accumulates and space for disposal sites grows scarce.
As recovering people, we have a similar problem with waste residues from our past. We don't seem to be able to bury bad memories; like the physical waste in the environment, they come back to poison us.
The best answer is to use waste, not throw it away. Instead of trying to bury the past, let's keep it in view but let it be purified by the sunlight of honesty and humility. By admitting past wrongs and forgiving everyone involved.... including ourselves..... we turn waste into useful experience. Nature can do this with much physical waste, over time. we can also let our spiritual nature do that with the emotional and mental waste of our past.
Action for the Day: I'll realize that every past mistake and experience can be properly utilized today for something good and uplifting.
One Day At A Time
What I think about surrounds me. What I allow to be entertained in my mind becomes a reality. If I think negatively, I will attract negativity in my life. On the other hand, if I concentrate on developing positive thoughts, I will attract positive people and events to my life. My potential will be increased.
Thought to Ponder . . .
I cannot control what thoughts come into my mind, but I can control my perception and reaction to them. I pray that I may be filled with positive thoughts today; I deserve the resulting rewards.
AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S W A T =
Surrender, Willingness, Acceptance, Trust.
Daily Motivation

Today is different

If life has been good, today it can be good in a new and exciting way. If life has been difficult, today you can move beyond the difficulties into a more rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Whatever may have been before, today is different. And you can choose, right now, to make it different in a good way.

Your future is determined not by your past, but by your expectations. Today you can set those expectations at the highest level you can imagine.

If you expect to be a victim, that’s what you’ll end up being. Yet today is different, and today you can do much, much better.

Today is filled with great challenge, and with even greater promise. Make the decision to step up to the challenge, and to fulfill the highest promise of this day.

Today is different, and is yours to live with purpose, discipline, enthusiasm and joy. Today is different, and you can make it the best one yet.

— Ralph Marston

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