Friday, August 19, 2011

Daily Motivation 8-19-11

Friday, August 19, 2011
Today's Gift
Unconditional love corresponds to one of the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being. --Erich Fromm
Feeling the need to be perfect to ensure we'll be loved is as familiar as the robin's whistle heralding spring. Am I too fat to be loved? Do people think I'm dumb when I speak out?  Mistakenly, we feel unique in our struggles with our fears of inadequacy, thus we fail to find comfort among friends and strangers who share our selected fears.
If we could understand our sameness with others, we'd be able to feel the gentle urging within to acknowledge their presence, their smiles, and their messages, which are assuredly meant for our ears only. Their desire, like our own, is for the promise of love.
Unconditional love wants expression; pass it around and watch it return tenfold.
You are reading from the book:

Worthy of Love by Karen Casey


Twenty-Four Hours A Day
Keep It Simple

The future is made of the same stuff as the present. --- Simone Weil
We found we didn’t need magic to recover---we needed a miracle! Now we are walking miracles.
Part of our miracle is that we see how important today is. We can’t change our future unless we change today. So we live One Day at a Time. By living today well, we make our future better. There is comfort in knowing that the program will be there. Hope we’ll be there.

Old-timers say sobriety is easy if we go by one simple rule: don’t drink and go to meeting.
Life can get simpler; they don’t change much. Staying sober will be easier for us over time.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me keep my sobriety simple. Help me accept the rules of life.
Action for the Day: I will list three things that will be there for me tomorrow and the next day, because I’m working on them today.

One Day At A Time
How truth makes us free is something that we AA's can well understand.
It cut the shackles that once bound us to alcohol.
It continues to release us from conflicts and miseries beyond reckoning;
it banishes fear and isolation. The unity of our Fellowship,
the love we cherish for each other, the esteem in which the world holds us --
all of these are products of such integrity as, under God,
we have been privileged to achieve. May we therefore quicken our search
for still more genuine honesty, and deepen its practice in all our affairs.
- The Language of the Heart, p. 264

Thought to Ponder . . .
Truth is to inner space what sunshine is to a garden.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
C H A N G E D =
Choosing Honesty Allows New Growth Each Day.

Daily Motivation

Be better

If your life could use some positive momentum, make some. Make the choice and take the action that will bring some real, new, positive value to this day.

You don’t have to wait for things to get better. Because you can take it upon yourself to be better.

It doesn’t matter what else might be going on. There is more than enough goodness within you to make a real difference when you give some of that goodness to the world around you.

Just one authentically positive action can change the whole dynamic of your day. Think of how much more effective you’ll be with some positive momentum on your side, then get busy and do something to put it there.

You are never at the mercy of random circumstance. You can transform any circumstance, any situation, any event by virtue of how you choose to see it and to live it.

Take this day and live it in the best way you can imagine. Establish some powerful, positive momentum and let it carry you in the direction of your greatest dreams.

— Ralph Marston

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