Wait. If the time is not right, the way is not clear, the answer or decision not consistent, wait.
We may feel a sense of urgency. We may want to resolve the issue by doing something - anything now, but that action is not in our best interest.
Living with confusion or unsolved problems is difficult. It is easier to resolve things. But making a decision too soon, doing something before it's time, means we may have to go back and redo it.
If the time is not right, wait. If the way is not clear, do not plunge forward. If the answer or decision feels muddy, wait.
In this new way of life, there is a Guiding Force. We do not ever have to move too soon or move out of harmony. Waiting is an action - a positive, forceful action.
Often, waiting is a Higher Power-guided action, one with as much power as a decision, and more power than an urgent, ill-timed decision.
We do not have to pressure ourselves by insisting that we do or know something before it's time. When it is time, we will know. We will move into that time naturally and harmoniously. We will have peace and consistency. We will feel empowered in a way we do not feel today.
Deal with the panic, the urgency, and the fear; do not let them control or dictate decisions.
Waiting isn't easy. It isn't fun. But waiting is often necessary to get what we want. It is not dead time; it is not downtime. The answer will come. The power will come. The time will come. And it will be right.
Today, I will wait, if waiting is the action I need in order to take care of myself. I will know that I am taking a positive, forceful action by waiting until the time is right. Higher Power, help me let go of my fear, urgency, and panic. Help me learn the art of waiting until the time is right. Help me learn timing.
From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©1990, Hazelden Foundation.
We may hold back because we do not understand that any good action always brings its own reward. Despite Shakespeare's timeless saying, the good we do is not "interred with our bones"… it does survive, now and in the future.
We've learned in Twelve Step programs that it's not really satisfying to work only for recognition and praise. There also has to be a confident feeling that our efforts are contributing to a large good with a worthwhile purpose. That's what makes AA so special to people who are completely devoted to it… we know that anything done for AA makes the world a better place.
We should also know that those who can help others are fortunate, well-favored people. Others may want to help, but lack the tools. We have the tools to give the help that changes lives---- and the world.
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Here was something at work in the human heart which had done the impossible.
My ideas about miracles were drastically revised right then.
Never mind the musty past; here sat a miracle directly across the kitchen table.
He shouted great tidings.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 11
Thought to Ponder . . .
Don't give up before the miracle happens.
AA-Related 'Alconym' . . .
O D A A T = One Day At A Time.
A Member Shares:
I'm Connie, an alcoholic. This topic reminds me of what I was thinking Saturday night -- “Don't give up five minutes before the miracle!” I waited so long for a flash of lightning-type miracle that I did not realize I had been staying sober for eight months despite not working the Steps. Once I realized that fact, I then took action. That was now about four years ago, and since then I have been working Steps daily. I have never received a pink cloud, but I did receive a miracle. I'm totally in a class of statistics that don't favor me -- most don't make it. I am truly blessed. Without AA, I wouldn't even be alive -- I know that. Thank you for my life.
Daily Motivation
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