Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 11-16-2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017
Today's Gift

I think happiness is like the effect on an audience (when acting), if you think of it all the time you will not get it, you must get lost in the part, lost in your purposes and let the effect be the criterion of your success. --Joanna Field

Happiness is a gift that accompanies every instance of our lives if we approach each situation with gratitude, knowing that what's offered to us is special to our particular needs. The experiences we meet day to day are honing our Spirit, tempering our hard edges. For these we should offer gratitude.

Our well-being is the gift. Deciding what will make us happy, in fact, what we must have to be happy, prevents us from grasping the unexpected pleasure of the "chance" events of the moment. When we intently look for what we think we need, we may well be blind to more beneficial opportunities the Universe has chosen for us.

Our self-centeredness hinders every breath we take. It prejudices every encounter. It stifles our creative potential. And most of all, it blocks any chance for a spontaneous reaction to the moment. Spontaneity is the breeding ground for creative living. And happiness is the byproduct.

Happiness is my decision, every moment.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Rigidity is prevented most of the time as love and compassion mesh us into tolerant human beings. —Kaethe S. Crawford

Looking outward with love, offering it freely to our friends and family, makes fluid, flowing, and fertile our existence. Each expression of love engenders more love, keeping tender our ties to one another, encouraging more ties.

The more flexible our lives, the more easily we'll be attracted to an unexpected opportunity. And flexibility is fostered by a loving posture. As we approach the world, so it greets us. We are not mere recipients of life's trials and tribulations. We find what our eyes are wanting to see. When our focus is rigid and narrow, so are our opportunities.

Acceptance can lead us to be freer with our love, more tolerant in our expectations. The level of our compassion, fully felt and fully expressed, is the measure of our emotional health. Rigid attitudes, rigid behavior, rigid expectations of others recede as the level of our emotional health rises. Our approach to life changes and so do the results we meet.

Action for the Day: I will love others. It's my only assignment in life, and it guarantees the security I crave.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time

At a certain point in the drinking of every alcoholic, he passes into
a state where the most powerful desire to stop drinking is of absolutely
no avail. This tragic situation has already arrived in practically every
case long before it is suspected.
The fact is that most alcoholics, for reasons yet obscure,
have lost the power of choice in drink.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 24

Thought to Ponder
Alcohol -- cunning, baffling, powerful!

AA-related 'Alconym'
I S M = I
Sabotage Myself

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Be in this moment
by Ralph Marston

Be in this moment. Do not judge it.

Allow all that is. Do not resist it.

Peace is present when you let go of striving. Richness fills you when you let go of need.

Your thoughts are powerful and they serve you well. Yet those thoughts lose their power when they become ceaseless and frenzied.

Life is much more than just thoughts and sensations. At the heart of your life is peaceful, powerful stillness.

Let yourself know that peace, that stillness, that essence. Be in it now, be in it often, and live with the true power that is your being.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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