Monday, September 18, 2017

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 9-18-2017

Monday, September 18, 2017
Today's Gift

I will, I will accept myself
With hope and fear and wonder
And what I have joined together
Let no person put asunder.
—Dory Preven

There is a wonderful freedom in acceptance. When we accept ourselves, with all our imperfections, we can then begin to accept others just as they are. This is especially exciting when we apply this discovery to our own families. A family is like a bouquet of flowers arranged in a common vase. Each flower is different. One might be blue, one white, one a rose, one a chrysanthemum. But each adds to the beauty of the whole bouquet and enhances the vase that holds it.

It isn't important that we know why one flower is blue and one white. We don't have to understand how a rose becomes a rose to appreciate the arrangement. We just accept it for what it is. Acceptance of others does not mean agreement or approval. How boring if we only accepted those who reflected our own ideas and opinions! How dull to look upon a bouquet of exactly the same flowers.

Today, will I accept the differences between us as part of our beauty together?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©
Today's Gift Daily Meditations for Families.jpg

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Here’s my Golden Rule: Be fair with others but then keep after them
until they’re fair with you. ---Alan Alda

Often in our illness we were ashamed, so we let people take advantage
of us. We acted as if we had no rights. In recovery, we work hard to be
fair with others. And we deserve to be treated with fairness too. If
people are mean to us, we talk with them about it. If people cheat us,
we ask them to set it right. In recovery, we live by our human rights.

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me to stand for fairness.
Help me respect myself and others.

Action for the Day: Today, I’ll list people who have wronged me.
I will make plans to talk to those with whom I feel will listen.
I will let love, not shame or fear, control my actions.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time
Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with our Higher Power,
it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times. We might
pay for this presumption in all sorts of absurd actions and ideas. Nevertheless,
we find that our thinking will, as time passes, be more and more on
the plane of inspiration. We come to rely upon it.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 87

Thought to Ponder
Action without prayer is self-reliance.

AA-related 'Alconym'
F R O G = F
ully Rely On Goodness

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Filled with promise
by Ralph Marston

Do the work to think for yourself. If you don’t think for yourself, life is nothing more than a stream of meaningless sensations.

Take full responsibility for the integrity of your life. It is everything, as your experience has shown you again and again.

Life is not easy. But oh, how good it can be when you do what is necessary to put real substance into it.

Give, give, give of yourself, authentically, generously, with enthusiasm, respect, joy. Listen, learn, watch, participate.

Commit to your highest vision, putting action and persistence behind that commitment. Remind yourself to live as though every moment matters, for indeed every moment does.

Do you realize how beautiful and filled with promise this day is? Once you do, nothing will be able to hold you back.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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