Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 5-31-2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Today's Gift

That reality of life and living - movement from one place to another either in a project or in a state of mind - does not conform with what we imagine or expect or think we deserve so we often leave things hanging unfinished or unstarted. --Sandra Edwards

Being dissatisfied, discontented, with the experiences life gives us forever hampers our growth. Reality is not our bane but our gift. The particular reality perceived by any one of us is of special significance because in that reality are our lessons - the very lessons that will awaken us to the awareness that what life offers is just what we deserve, and more.

It's our interpretation of life's realities that is at fault. But as we grow, spiritually, the clouds will disappear. We'll come to understand the interplay between our realities. And we'll willingly move ahead, fulfilling our part in life's bigger picture.

Sometimes all I can do is trust that all is well, even though it's not as I had hoped. On bad days I need only to reflect on the past to know that I am moving in the right direction.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression. --Dodie Smith

When we change our lives, we give up old patterns. Some of these old patterns, as harmful as they may have been, were like our best friends. We could turn to them for comfort and escape. After giving them up, and after the first elated feelings of liberation, we may also have to deal with depression and grief of loss.

What should we remember at these times? First of all, depression has a beginning, and it has an end. In the midst of it, we may feel that nothing will ever look good again. That is not so. The loss of energy, the dark mood, the hopelessness – all will pass and we will regain our vitality and joy of life. Second, it helps to stay active. Physical activity is one of the best medicines for a depressed mood: vigorous walks, physical labor, or a good workout at the gym. Another kind of activity is helping others, reaching out to those in need of companionship and a helping hand. It is surprising how good it feels to make a difference in another person’s life. The third thing we can do is stop our negative thoughts. We can simply interrupt a train of thought in the same way we might interrupt a conversation and change the subject. Finally, we can take comfort in the faith that our Higher Power will provide what we need in the long run.

Today's Action: Today I will take good care of my mental well-being.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

We pocket our pride and go to it, illuminating every twist of character, every
dark cranny of the past. Once we have taken this step, withholding nothing, we
are delighted. We can look the world in the eye. We can be alone at perfect peace
and ease. Our fears fall from us. We begin to feel the nearness of our Creator.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 75

Thought to Ponder . . .
The Twelve Steps -- a manuscript for rational living.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W = H
onesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Give goodness to life
by Ralph Marston

Before you act, before you speak, ask yourself this. Will it accomplish anything positive?

It might feel good in the moment to criticize, and the other person might deserve it. But will your criticism make a positive difference for anyone, or will it just be hurtful?

Your time is precious, as are your relationships and your resources. Invest them in what matters, in what moves life forward.

Just because you have the impulse and the opportunity to do something, doesn’t mean you must do it. Consider first who will benefit, who will suffer, what it will accomplish.

There are plenty of good, productive, helpful, nurturing choices in every moment. You don’t always have to go with the first thing that comes to mind.

Keep your standards high by making sure what you do has a positive impact. Give goodness to life, and life will be good to you.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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