Monday, January 23, 2017

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 1-23-2017

Monday, January 23, 2017
Today's Gift

There are things for which an uncompromising stand is worthwhile. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

For many of us, a time came when we said; "I'm not going to live this way anymore!" This was a deep, internal decision for change, even though we didn't know how it would come about. Somehow we had reached our end. We quit negotiating over what we would change and what we would not change. We were willing to put all our energy into finding a better life, no matter what it would require. That is the kind of inner readiness that finally made real change possible.

Such willingness to take an uncompromising stand and give ourselves totally to a worthwhile cause is a model for our lives. It's the beginning of deep change. Many people have taken similar heroic stands for other causes, like world peace, compassion for the poor and hungry, human rights, and protection of the environment.

On this day, I will take a stand for what is worthwhile.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

One cannot have wisdom without living life. --Dorothy McCall

Living life means responding, wholly, to our joys and our pitfalls. It means not avoiding the experiences or activities that we fear we can't handle. Only through our survival of them do we come to know who we really are; we come to understand the strength available to us at every moment. And that is wisdom.

When we approach life tentatively, we reap only a portion of its gifts. It's like watching a movie in black and white that's supposed to be in Technicolor. Our lives are in color, but we must have courage to let the colors emerge, to feel them, absorb them, be changed by them. Within our depths, we find our true selves. The complexities of life teach us wisdom. And becoming wise eases the many pitfalls in our path.

Action for the Day: Living life is much more than just being alive. I can choose to jump in with both feet. Wisdom awaits me in the depths.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

Not Afraid
The First Step and I have always been great friends.
I repeated it every five seconds and thanked my Higher Power each day for my sobriety
—the only grace, maybe, for that day.
Gradually, I began to see another part of me emerging—a grateful me,
expecting nothing, but sure that another power was beginning to guide me,
counsel me, and direct my ways. I was not afraid.
- Came To Believe . . ., p. 45

Thought to Ponder . . .
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
O D A A T = O
ne Day At A Time

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

A good enough reason
by Ralph Marston

Give yourself a good enough reason and you can get yourself to do whatever must be done. Give yourself a meaningful enough reason why, and it will happen.

Make yourself an offer that you can’t refuse. Give yourself a reason that you cannot resist.

In an instant you can go from apathetic and unmotivated to enthusiastic and energetic. All you have to do is find that raw nerve of authentic desire, and touch it.

Allow yourself to want what you really want. Then allow yourself to be driven by that desire.

Every possibility is open to you. Latch on to one so positive and compelling that it won’t leave you alone until you make it happen.

Give yourself a good enough reason and you’ll give yourself plenty of motivation. Give yourself a good enough reason and you’ll have no trouble moving quickly and decisively forward.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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