Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 10-26-2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Today's Gift

A person has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when they plant shade trees under which they knows full well they will never sit under. —D. Elton Trueblood

Our lives are enriched by the contributions of those who lived before us. Many men and women gave more than they ever took from society, and now we enjoy the rewards. Some people were fired with a spirit to beautify the world and planted trees that will live for 200 years. Others wrote music that speaks to us from another generation, and others established a government that guides our principles of justice. They gave so much because they knew they were a part of their community and the world.

Most of us cannot make the great contributions that will make us famous, but we enrich our lives when we contribute freely to improving our community and the world. We do that when we simply say hello to our neighbor, when we serve on a volunteer cleanup committee for a local park, when we help work to improve our communities and when we do help fight against any injustices. We too have beautified and contributed to the world, and that gives us a feeling of peace and self-respect.

Today, I will appreciate all that comes freely to me from others, and I will give what I can to make the world a better place.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Love has the quality of informing almost everything--even one's work. --Sylvia Ashton-Warner

We are changed through loving and being loved. Our attitudes are profoundly and positively affected by the presence of love in our lives. Each time we offer a loving response to a friend, co-worker, even a stranger, we powerfully influence the dynamics of the interaction between us.

Every response we make to someone changes us while it informs them. When we treat others with disdain, we invite the same. When we express only criticism of others, our self-assessment is equally negative. The beauty of a loving posture is that it calls forth love in response. The more love we give away, the more we receive.

Any task before us is lessened when we carry love in our hearts. Love is more powerful than fear. Love helps to open the channel to our Higher Power, assuring us of the strength, the understanding, and the patience needed to complete any assignment confronting us.

Action for the Day: My Higher Power loves me, unconditionally. And I will experience the reality of that love the more I give it away. Love wants to change me--and it can.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

A Decision
Practicing Step Three is like the opening of a door which to all appearances is closed and locked.
All we need one key, and it is called willingness.
Once unlocked by willingness, the door opens almost of itself.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 34

Thought to Ponder . . .
Maturity is the ability to make a decision and follow through.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W = H
onesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

A life of excellence
by Ralph Marston

Excellence is not attained with a one-time, quick and isolated tactic. A life of excellence is a life in which there is, every day, a renewed commitment to excellence.

A life of excellence is a life of caring, about your own concerns to be sure, but also about matters that go far beyond yourself. A life of excellence comes from a continuously renewed focus on the big picture.

The actions that build excellence naturally flow from an attitude that sincerely values excellence. Life is yours to live as you choose, and in every moment, on every day, you can choose to live it with excellence.

With a commitment to excellence, you can find the goodness and value in any situation. With a commitment to excellence, you can absolutely make life even better than it already is.

You are enormously blessed with the priceless gift of life. Take every opportunity to live it at the highest, most loving, compassionate, productive and excellent level.

Commit to a life of excellence now, and always. Anything less is not worthy of the magnificent, unique person you know you are.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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