Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 8-17-2016

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Today's Gift

Life is change ... Growth is optional... Choose wisely... —Karen Kaiser Clark

We can certainly count on change. We become fathers, our children become more independent, we make new friends, and other friends move away. When a person clings too tightly to the status quo or tries to control the direction of change, they are bound to be disappointed. We are like skiers on a mountain. We must continue down the slope. We can vary our speed somewhat, but if we stop for too long we will get cold or hungry; if we ski too fast, we may have a serious fall. Part of the pleasure is in not being able to control or predict every circumstance we will meet.

We don't control which loved ones come into our lives and which ones go or whether we become ill or stay healthy. We don't control life's opportunities. We can control how we choose to respond to these transitions. Whatever happens can be used for growth and we can commit ourselves to use all experiences that way.

Today, I will not try to control change but will choose to use whatever happens for growth.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Life is not always what one wants it to be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being happy. --Jennie Jerome Churchill

We are generally so certain that we know what's best for ourselves. And we are just as often certain that what we think is best will guarantee happiness. Perhaps we should reflect on all the times in the past when our wishes didn't come true--fortunately.

Did any one of us expect to be doing today, what we each are doing? We may have expected children, a particular kind of home, a certain career, but did we really anticipate all that life has wrought? Addiction, and then recovery from it, was probably not in our pictures. But it does fit into the big picture. The happiness we experience today probably doesn't visit us in the way we anticipated a few years back. But it is measured out according to our needs. The choice to be happy with what is, is ours to make, every moment.

Action for the day: I can take life as it is, and trust that it is just right, just what it needs to be. The big picture guarantees me lasting happiness. Today's experiences will move me a step closer.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

Carrying the Message
We know we can seldom keep the precious gift of sobriety unless we give it away. . .
For us, if we neglect those who are still sick, there is unremitting danger to our own lives and sanity. . .
. . . our Society has concluded that it has but one high mission —
to carry the AA message to those who don’t know there’s a way out.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 151

Thought to Ponder . . .
Only in giving do we receive in full measure.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
T L C =
Tears, Laughter, Caring

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Fresh breeze
by Ralph Marston

The day is still, hot, sweltering, and suddenly a fresh breeze appears. Think of how the experience can lift your spirit.

So many in this world so often feel despair. Think of how you can be a fresh breeze in the lives of others to ease that despair.

Be the fresh breeze that brings positive energy to a dismal situation. Be the fresh breeze that brings real hope and a change in perspective.

Surprise life with new goodness. Surprise yourself with how good it feels to do so.

Though the temperature is still just as hot, a fresh breeze makes it feel much more tolerable. Though a positive perspective does not change the situation, it improves where the situation leads.

In an instant a fresh breeze brings relief, a fresh perspective brings hope. Be that fresh breeze, for yourself and for others.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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