Monday, June 6, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 6-6-2016

Monday, June 6, 2016
Today's Gift

I walked across an open field at winter's break as the sun danced on the last few drifts. I imagined my fears would melt one by one as I learned to love myself. --Laurel Lewis

Fear is as familiar as our image in a mirror. Although we have resolved many of the fears that bound us to old behavior, our original fears may have been replaced by new ones. Why are there so many things to be afraid of? New friends, old relationships, careers, family history, tomorrow...

Acknowledging our fear is the first step to getting free of its control. Naming the fear puts us in charge. Remembering that we have a loving Higher Power who won't abandon us, even in the midst of our deepest fear, can help us get through too.

But loving our small, scared selves will be the most nurturing of all. Mothering ourselves, in the way we may have longed for mothering in our youth, will carry us through the most difficult times.

Fears are part of living. They are neither bad nor good; instead, they can teach us. They can help us learn to love more of ourselves.

I will welcome my fears today. They are my blueprint for who I am. My Higher Power and I will comfort me with love.

From the book A Woman's Spirit by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

To render ourselves insensible to pain we must forfeit also the possibilities of happiness. --Sir John Lubbock

A caterpillar knows instinctively that it must spin a cocoon. When finished it will use the protection it has made to turn itself into a beautiful butterfly. When the time is right, the butterfly will break through the cocoon and stretch its wings to meet the world.

We sometimes protect ourselves by withdrawing into a cocoon of our own. We stop talking to others and find ourselves growing lonely and longing for our friends. Perhaps it was some pain that made us retreat, but the pain of loneliness is greater. When we have the courage to break out of our cocoon, knowing and accepting the fact that we will experience both pain and happiness, we will change. We will become, for that moment, something new and beautiful like the butterfly.

Today's Action: I will have the courage to face at least one fearful thing today.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

The beauty of AA lies in knowing that my life, with y Higher Power’s help, will improve.
The AA journey becomes richer, the understanding becomes truth,
the dreams become realities—and today becomes forever.
- Daily Reflections, p. 167

Thought to Ponder . . .
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O P E =
Heart Open; Please Enter.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Let fear go
by Ralph Marston

Fear is powerful, and yet it is fragile. Though it can stop you cold, fear can be gone in an instant when you decide you’ve had enough of it.

Fear is a very effective way for you to get your own attention. Then as soon as you’re fully aware of a fear and what it has to say, you have no more use for it.

Let the fear advise you and prepare you, and then just let it go. It is nothing more than a thought over which you have full control.

When fear is what holds you back, there’s a quick way forward. Accept the fear, feel it, learn from it, and then drop it completely from your mind.

By letting go of fear, you transform it into courage. In this way, you put the power of that fear to positive use.

Boldly step through each fear, then move on past it. And feel the strength that you’ve just gained.

From: The Daily Motivator website at

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