Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 6-1-2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Today's Gift

One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach; one can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few. —Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Being selective in choosing activities, in choosing friends, in choosing material possessions fosters unexpected appreciation. Too much of any one thing negates whatever specialness might have been realized. If we surround ourselves with acquaintances, we never fully share in knowing a few people well. If we surround ourselves with "toys," we never learn how we really want to spend our time.

When we don't take life slowly, piece by piece (one shell at a time), we avoid the greatest discovery of all, the person within. When our attention to persons, places, and things is deliberate and steady, the beauty within the object of our focus shines forth, and we, too, are made more beautiful in the process.

Today, I will take time to smell the flowers.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. --Antoine de St. Exupery

A tuning fork is a small tool that is used to tune musical instruments. It is tapped softly and then set down. As it vibrates, it gives off a musical tone. When its vibrations perfectly match the vibrations of the note played on the instrument, the instrument is in tune. When the note matches the tuning fork, this can be both felt and heard.

Our hearts work like a tuning fork. When the heart feels completely in tune with a decision or thought or action in our lives, then we know it is the right one for us. We can actually feel the harmony inside our bodies.

Sometimes what we know deep in our hearts gets clouded over by doubts and questions and other people's opinions and judgments. We need to clear away such clouds and listen to our hearts, for our hearts carry the wisdom of our Higher Power.

Action for the Day: I will stay consciously in tune with my heart today.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums
One Day At A Time

Making a List
The inventory was ours, not the other man’s.
When we saw our faults we listed them. We placed them before us in black and white.
We admitted our wrongs honestly and were willing to set these matters straight.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 67

Thought to Ponder . . .
It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W = H
onesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

The best day you have ever known
by Ralph Marston

Instead of waiting and looking back on your life and realizing how great it was, realize how great it is while you’re living it. These are the good old days.

This is the time to treasure right now. Don’t put off your appreciation for today until some time when all you have of it is a faded memory and a photograph.

You are swimming in a thick sea of overwhelming richness that is this moment. Wake up to how truly blessed you are to be right where you happen to be.

Sure there are frustrations and annoyances, challenges, pains and disappointments. And you have the good fortune of being in a position to transcend every one of them.

Stop wondering what life is all about and start choosing what you are going to make it become. Stop waiting for someone else to make it all better and start taking your own steps to make it uniquely great.

This can be the best day you have ever known. All it takes is for you to decide to make it so.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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