Monday, May 9, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 5-9-2016

Monday, May 9, 2016
Today's Gift

Planning is deciding what to change today so tomorrow will be different from yesterday. —Ichak Adizes

A house is like a lump of clay that can be molded and changed. It can be fixed and shaped, torn down and added to, painted, papered, carpeted, and panelled. We can think about how to change it, find pictures in books, and order plans. We can stock up on supplies, take fix-it classes, and get advice from others. But the house will remain unchanged until we pick up a brush, grab a bucket of paint, and get to work. Only then will we see tomorrow the results of what we did today.

Our plans help us construct a vision of how we'd like the future to be, but only actions will bring these things about. With confidence in the rightness of our desires, we can be assured that the Universe never gives us a dream we can't reach.

What action can I take today to make tomorrow's changes?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Walk in Dry Places

The Importance of Hope

Maintaining Optimism.
As a great virtue, hope is ranked with faith and love. But those of us caught in the thicket of alcoholism and other addictions had much experience with hopes that turned out to be merely cruel illusions. In recovery, however, hope has a sound purpose. It is really a form of optimism, an underlying belief that things will work out in spite of the obstacles and problems we face. This helps provide the strength and energy we need to succeed in the face of opposition and setbacks.

We also own much of our recovery to the capacity for hope that was in our friends and family members. Henrietta D... wife of AA member Number three, told an interviewer that she had never lost hope that her husband would eventually recover. She saw it as the answer to her hope and prayers when Bill W. and Dr. Bob arrived at her husband's bedside in Akron's City Hospital... an when he left, he never drank again.

Hope is the optimism that keeps us moving toward our highest good. Let's keep it alive.

Action for the Day: I'll face my day with the underlying belief that things will work out in the long run. I'll refuse to be overwhelmed by temporary setbacks.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

Growing Up
Change is the characteristic of all growth. From drinking to sobriety,
from dishonesty to honesty, from conflict to serenity, from hate to love,
from childish dependence to adult responsibility
-- all this and infinitely more represent change for the better.
- As Bill Sees It, [Vol. 1], p. 76

Thought to Ponder . . .
Serenity is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
K I S S = Keep It Serenely Simple.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Critical juncture
by Ralph Marston

Just because you’ve developed a destructive habit, doesn’t mean that habit has to continue. Just because you’ve avoided certain responsibilities, doesn’t mean you have to keep avoiding them.

Life is dynamic, with endless changes possible, and its dynamic nature is focused on right now. Because right now is when you can make those changes and put your life into a new, improved trajectory.

Today is the day that separates the past from the future, and it is a critical juncture. Today is when you can continue what works, discard what is not working, and replace it with a new approach.

In the short term, it’s comfortable to stay where you are, to continue doing what you’ve always done. But if you don’t shake things up every so often, that comfort can turn into regret.

You are amazingly adaptable, and today you can put that skill to use. You can take this opportunity to upgrade your attitude, your actions, your expectations and your results.

Today, your past is over and you are free to create a future based on your highest standards and most treasured dreams. Today, do what is necessary to make that future the best it can be.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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