Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 3-30-2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Today's Gift

We all carry it within us: supreme strength, the fullness of wisdom, unquenchable joy. It is never thwarted and cannot be destroyed. But it is hidden deep, which is what makes life a problem.—Huston Smith

How does a person lose touch with their strength, their wisdom, their joy? Perhaps it is in the nature of humanity. Our most profound qualities are hidden deep. They never go away, but we cannot always find them. There may be nothing wrong with ourselves as a person when we lose touch. It doesn't have to mean that we are "bad one" for getting depressed or for feeling inadequate. Who doesn't have that problem? It is the nature of life that we sometimes feel this way. Everyday life experiences help us unearth the resources hidden within us.

When we cannot find those reassuring feelings of strength and wisdom and joy, we may think they are gone forever. We even doubt we ever had them or could have them again. But they are still there. They cannot be destroyed. And when we regain contact we know they have been with us all along.

I will have faith that the innermost places in me can never be destroyed.

From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Spirituality is...the awareness that survival is a savage fight between you and yourself.---Lisa S.

As recovering people, we're getting stronger each day. We go to meetings to learn how to be better people. But we also go to remind ourselves of the beast inside us---our addiction. This beast is waiting for us to slip---to go back to our addiction---so it can regain control.

Thus ,it's wise to learn all we can about our disease. That's why it's important to do a good job on our Fourth Step. When we work Step Four, we learn how our addiction acts, thinks, and feels. With the help of our program, we can quiet the beast. One Day at a Time.,

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, I'm fighting for my life. Thanks to You, I'm winning today and my life is free.

Action for the Day: I'll talk to a friend about my addiction, the beast inside me. I'll do this so it will have less power over me.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums
One Day At A Time

The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better
and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails.
- As Bill Sees It, p. 115

Thought to Ponder . . .
Learn to change, change to learn.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A B C = Acceptance, Bbelief, Change.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy
Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Boldness lives in you
by Ralph Marston

Boldness forges a path to greatness. Go ahead and live the life your heart begs you to live.

You care about all you love, and that care generates great power. Plug in to that power and act on it, now.

This day is a blank check you’ve been given, with no limit on its worth. Your actions are what will fill in the amount.

If you feel no passion, if you feel no purpose, if you feel no confidence, do something good and right and worthwhile. Boldness arises when you see yourself making a difference.

Every good thing you can imagine is already connected to you. Follow that connection by putting one foot in front of the other with love, with caring, with joy and thankfulness.

Boldness lives in you. Today, let it drive you.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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