Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily Motivation 12-18-2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Today's Gift

Love one another, but make not a bond of love. --Kahlil Gibran

Love doesn't demand; love compromises. It doesn't possess; it frees. Love doesn't gloat; it praises. Love makes friends of strangers. It softens our rough edges and strengthens our assets. Knowing we're loved inspires us and invites forth our best effort. Offering our love humbles us and cultivates an inner joy.

Never, in the name of love, should we direct another person's life, but instead let's celebrate the choices made by someone dear, even when they run counter to our own desires. We are each blessed with a destiny, unique and necessary to the others in our lives. We must be allowed to travel our paths to fulfillment.

Let's free one another and know real love.

From the book Worthy of Love by Karen Casey

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Keep It Simple
Happiness is a form of freedom, and of all people I should be the freest. I've earned this happiness and this freedom.--Angela L. Wozniak

Life is a process, and we are progressing beautifully. We are no longer abusing our bodies and minds with drugs. We are taking special time, daily, to look for guidance. We are working the Steps of the program, better and better as the abstinent days add up. We are free from past behaviors. And we can be free from our negative attitudes too.

Making a decision to look for the good in our experiences and in our friends and acquaintances frees us from so much frustration. It ushers in happiness, no only for us but for the others we are treating agreeably. Happiness is a byproduct of living the right kind of life.

We can take a moment today, each time an action is called for, to consider our response. The one that squares with our inner selves and feels good, is the right one. Happiness will accompany it.

Action for the Day: Happiness is always within my power. My attitude is at the helm.
One Day At A Time
Higher Power
When we look back, we realize that the things which came to us
when we put ourselves in our Higher Power's hands
were better than anything we could have planned.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 100

Thought to Ponder . . .
Take a walk with your Higher Power; They will meet you at the Steps.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
Y A N A =
You Are Never Alone
Daily Motivation

What you do today

What you do today, or fail to do today, you’ll live with for the rest of your life. The way you live today can create new burdens, or it can create new treasures.

The future may seem like it’s a long way off. Yet it is relentlessly heading your way, and what you do today will have an enormous impact on the quality of that future.

Today, right now, in this moment, in this place, you have an opportunity. It’s an opportunity with great leverage over your entire life.

Today is your opportunity to choose how you will live. Today is your opportunity to give time, attention, effort and substance to those things you truly value.

If you merely wish to have a great life someday, your wishes alone simply won’t be enough. Yet today you are able to act on those wishes, those goals, those desires, and to really, truly put yourself on the path to their fulfillment.

What you do today is absolutely crucial. What you can do today, right now, is get to work.

— Ralph Marston

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