Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Daily Motivation 7-10-2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Today's Gift

That the birds of worry and care
fly about your head
This you cannot change
But that they build nests in your hair
This you can prevent.
-- Chinese Proverb

Worry can light on our shoulders or sink its teeth into our flesh. Worry can become such a habit that it may actually take over most of our waking and dreaming hours. Worry can break down our immune system and weaken our natural ability to fight illness.

For some people, worry is a full-time job and life companion. How much do each of us worry each day?  This is a good question to ask when we are ready to get serious about changing our worry habits.

Once we have identified how and when we worry, we are ready to reverse the pattern. Progress, not perfection, is the key in changing our worry habits. With an open mind and willing heart we have the power to change our habit of worry into one of trust. We know as we make this change that our Higher Power is truly at work in our lives.

Today let me begin to replace my worry with trust and faith in my ability to use my resources to face whatever life brings me.

From the book Body, Mind, and Spirit by Anonymous

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Keep It Simple

First say to yourself what you would be: and then do what you have to do. - Eptctetus
We often tell ourselves we want to be more peaceful, more in touch with our Higher Power. In other words, we want to become more spiritual. Acting as spiritual people is hard. Tho often, we choose the easy way. We make a nasty comment even if we know it'll only make things worse.

We say we have a program for living. Are we living our program? We'll find the answer in our behavior. Sober people act in sober ways. We study spiritual ideas. We work to bring joy to our lives and the lives of others. Just as we know a good friend by the way he or she behaves, we know a sober person by the way he or she behaves.

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me be a person whose words and actions match up.
Today's Action: Today I'll take an inventory of my actions to see if they are those of a sober person.
One Day At A Time
My memories no longer fill me with shame and remorse.
On the contrary, they fill me with gratitude and joy.
My whole story is a sort of divine mystery to me.
I don't know how an intelligent human being
ever could have got into such a mess,
and the more firmly established in sanity I become,
the more amazed I am that I ever got out of the mess.
- Came To Believe . . . pp. 98-99

Thought to Ponder . . .
Recovery is not an event; it is a process.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A G O =
Another Growth Opportunity.
Daily Motivation

Peaceful awareness

Open your awareness to the abundance. Open your awareness to the goodness and the possibilities.

Life is renewed in every moment. There is no need to keep re-fighting the battles of the past.

Relax, and let the fears dissolve. Be at peace, and allow the abundance to flow through you.

Send all your energy into all you love. Now is when opportunity is transformed into beautiful value.

Focus on what is good, what is right, what is true and meaningful. Give the whole of your presence to the best you can envision.

Let the richness into your awareness and into your life. Enjoy and love and live and create with no hesitation, free of worry and doubt.

— Ralph Marston

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