Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily Motivation 5-15-2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Today's Gift

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. --Henry David Thoreau

Recently a filmmaker friend approached me with good news. He had just received a grant to do a documentary. "I can't believe it," he said. "I'm finally getting paid for my work. I can't believe how lucky I am to be doing this."

After our conversation, I thought: "This person believes that he is earning a living in spite of doing what he loves; but the reality is just the opposite. It is because he is following his passion that he prospers. As he aligns himself with his higher purpose, the Universe cannot help but make straight, smooth, and perfect his way."

People who say, "Be practical," don't realize that following your heart is the most practical thing one can do. There is no greater way to ensure success than being true to who you are. On the other hand, there is nothing more likely to block that success than turning away from your calling. Living at cross-purposes with your true nature creates struggle and lack of fulfillment at a deep level. It is hard to be someone other than yourself.

The lesson is clear: As impractical as it may sound, the safest and most secure way to lead your life is to follow your dream.

From the book Listening to Your Inner Voice by Douglas Bloch

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Keep It Simple

Difficulties, opposition, criticism--these things are meant to be overcome, and there is a special joy in facing them and in coming out on top. It is only when there is nothing but praise that life loses its charm, and I begin to wonder what I should do about it. --Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
To be alive means to experience difficulties, conflicts, challenges from many directions. What we do with adverse conditions both determines and is determined by who we are. Resistance, most of us have learned, heightens the adversity. Acceptance of the condition, trusting all the while the lesson it offers us is for our benefit, ensures that we'll "come out on top."

Difficulties are opportunities for advancement, for increased self-awareness, for self-fulfillment. So often we hear and remind one another, that we grow through pain. We can face any situation knowing we have the strength to shore us up. Strangely, we need challenges in order to grow; without growth we wither. Happiness is the bounty for facing the momentarily unhappy conditions.
Action for the Day: Any difficulty I meet today offers me a chance for even greater happiness; it guarantees my growth.
One Day At A Time
Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership,
and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description,
is a moving and fascinating adventure.
- As Bill Sees It, p. 145

Thought to Ponder . . .
The Twelve Steps -- a manuscript for rational living.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
G I F T S =
Getting It From The Steps.
Daily Motivation

Positively responsible

Even when you’re in a negative place, the next step you take can be in a positive direction. Even when you’re feeling down, with your thoughts and actions you can lift yourself up.

Disappointment and frustration are facts of life that you’ll often encounter. But that doesn’t mean you have to perpetuate them.

When you stumble and fall, it hurts. Yet no matter how much the setback has hurt you, your best choice is always to quickly get back up and get going again.

Instead of fighting back with more of your own negativity, advance forward with your own meaningful, positive intentions. When life has been tough and painful, grab the opportunity to make it richer and more fulfilling.

Feeling resentful and sorry for yourself will just end up giving you even more reasons to feel sorry and resentful. Choose instead to feel positively and enthusiastically responsible for pushing yourself beyond the difficulties.

Every moment is an opportunity for growth and advancement, no matter what has happened in the moments before. Seize each opportunity, and quickly leave life’s disappointments behind.

— Ralph Marston

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