Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Daily Motivation 2-8-2012

Monday, February 8, 2012
Today's Gift
Reaction isn't action - that is, it isn't truly creative. —Elizabeth Janeway

We must learn how to act rather than react. Unfortunately, we've had lots of training at reacting. And we're all such good imitators. We are a society of reactors. We let the good or the bad behavior of another person determine our own behavior as a matter of course. But the opportunities are unlimited for us to responsibly choose our behavior, independent of all others in our life.

Change is ours, if we want it. A scowl from a spouse need not make us feel rejected. Criticism at work doesn't have to ruin our day. An inconsiderate bus driver might still be politely thanked. And when we decide for ourselves just how we want to act and follow through, self-esteem soars.

If we are put-down, it may momentarily create self-doubt; but when we quickly reassure ourselves that all is well and respond with respect, we grow. A sense of well-being rushes through our bodies.

Being in command of our own feelings and our own actions, prevents that free-floating anxiety from grasping us. We are who we choose to be. And new adventures await us.

The opportunities to react will be many today. But each time I can pause, determine the action I'd feel better about, and take it. My emotional health gets a booster shot each time I make a responsible choice.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Walk In Dry Places

Responsibility for our actions.
The practice of scape-goating goes way back to biblical times. It's easier to blame others for our problems than to take personal responsibility for facing and solving these problems.

In the AA program, however, there's nothing that serves as a basis for blaming
others. In every way, AA insists that alcoholics take personal responsibility… not only for finding and maintaining sobriety, but also for past wrongs and personal shortcomings. This is a difficult change for alcoholics/addicts who have believed that others caused many of their problems.

But being forced to take responsibility for our actions is a blessing in disguise. It fairly shouts the good news that we can take charge of our lives despite what others think and do. With our Higher Power's help, we can change ourselves into the people we ought to be. We are fortunate that life is arranged to give us this personal responsibility.. where would we be if our recovery depended only on others?

We also learn that this responsibility is not limited to our drinking. We are responsible for everything we think and do, and we have the power to make improvements in our lives beginning today.

Action for the Day: I will go through the day without blaming others for my problems.
One Day At A Time
A New Path
I approached recovery with fear and hesitation.
Then, urged by the dread of what was behind me,
I took tiny delicate steps onto this new path.
When I found the footing was firm,
each tentative move brought me a little nearer to trust.
Confidence grew, faith in my Higher Power expanded,
and I came to recognize a light I had not known existed.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 543

Thought to Ponder . . .
I stood in the sunlight at last.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
F A I T H =
For An Instant Trust Her/Him
Daily Motivation

The power of enthusiasm

Your life is a great and wonderful experience, so don’t be afraid to show some genuine, infectious enthusiasm for it. The world is filled with outstanding opportunities, and you can make the most of those opportunities by being enthusiastic about them.

Yes, sometimes you might look a little bit silly. However, it’s much better to be laughed at for being enthusiastic than to be pitied and avoided for being dull.

Enthusiasm keeps you young, energizes your days, and attracts positive people to your efforts. Enthusiasm keeps you focused on moving forward, even when there are obstacles and distractions working against you.

To be enthusiastic, you must do what you truly care about, and genuinely care about what you’re doing. To be enthusiastic, be honest with yourself about what your passions are, and follow those passions without holding back.

Feel how good it feels to let enthusiasm freely flow. Feel how powerful it is when your actions are continually energized by your enthusiasm.

Find those things about which you can be authentically enthusiastic. And then, let the power of your enthusiasm flow.

— Ralph Marston

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