Monday, February 13, 2012

Daily Motivation 2-13-2012

Monday, February 13, 2012
Today's Gift
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. – Golda Meir
What a great gift we've been given - ourselves. To listen to ourselves, to trust instinct and intuition, is to pay tribute to that gift.

What a disservice not to heed the leadings and leanings that so naturally arise from within. When will we learn that these leadings and leanings draw us into our Higher Power's rich plan for us?

We will learn. We will learn by listening, trusting, and following through. What is it time to do?... What do I need to do to take care of myself?... What am I being led to do?... What do I know?

Listen, and we will know. Listen to the voice within.

Today, I will listen and trust. I will be helped to take action when that is needed. I can trust my Higher Power and myself.

From The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie ©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Walk In Dry Places

Personal Responsibility
When Others Don't perform
There will be times when other people will disappoint us.. either intentionally or because of indifference or incompetence. If we have been counting on them, their nonperformance can cause us real anger and frustration.

Our growth, however, should teach us that such failures are part of life. While never losing trust in others, we must accept them as fallible people. Their mistakes and lapses come from the human shortcomings all of us have.

Our best course is to live without expecting too much from others. They are not here to please or satisfy us. It's possible, too, that we've been unrealistic in some of our expectations and have set ourselves up for disappointments.

Our personal responsibility is to do our best even when others fall short of our expectations. At the same time, we can grow by becoming more reliable and dependable ourselves.

We cannot use another's failure as an excuse for negligence on our part.

Action for the Day: Today I'll expect the best, but I will know that I also have the spiritual resources to deal with the worst that can happen.
One Day At A Time
Drastic Revisions
As we grow spiritually, we find that our old attitudes toward our instincts
had to undergo drastic revisions.
Our desires for emotional security and wealth, for personal prestige and power,
for romance and for family satisfactions --
all of these have to be tempered and redirected.
We have learned that the satisfaction of instincts
cannot be the sole end and aim of our lives.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 114

Thought to Ponder . . .
Pain is the measure of our resistance to change.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S W A T =
Surrender, Willingness, Action, Trust.
Daily Motivation

A job well done

Stop fighting against what you must do and allow your best efforts to flow. Let go of thoughts about how difficult or frustrating or inconvenient or unfair it is, and let yourself get it done.

Quit wishing that you were somewhere else, or that things had worked out differently. From where you are, with what you have, with positive purpose and determination you are able to make life the best it can be.

Rejoice at each little opportunity to make a difference. Feel the power as each action you take adds real value to life.

Whatever you must do is not a burden. It is a new, unique chance to express and experience the beauty of being alive.

Do what you do with love and care, with enthusiasm and joy. Allow yourself to enjoy each challenge and every effort, because you deserve it.

Get the work done, and have a great time doing it. Experience, again and again, the priceless satisfaction of a job well done.

— Ralph Marston

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