Monday, January 30, 2012

Daily Motivation 1-30-2012

Monday, January 30, 2012
Today's Gift
One cannot have wisdom without living life. --Dorothy McCall
Understanding circumstances, other people, even ourselves, comes with the passage of time and our willingness to be open to all the lessons contained within a moment. We must be willing to participate fully in the events that have requested our attendance. Then we can discover the longed-for clarity about life and our role in it. Immersion in the moment accompanied by reflective quiet times promises a perspective that offers us wisdom.
We all long for happiness, an easier life, and wisdom. We learn so slowly that both happiness and the easier life are generally matters of attitude. Therein lies our sought-after wisdom. How much simpler it makes living through even our most feared experiences when we have acquired the wisdom to know that the mind we carry into the moment, any moment, will be reflected in the outcome.
It takes patience and willingness to live fully enough to reap the benefits that accompany wisdom.
From the book The Promise of a New Day by Karen Casey and Martha Vanceburg

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple
Fortunately [psycho]analysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a very effective therapist. --Karen Horney
The passage of time, coupled with an openness to the messages gleaned from our conversations with others, can provide answers we need for the way out of painful situations. Life is ebb and flow, peaks and valleys, struggles and sweet times. What we fail to realize, all too often, is that the struggles make possible the times that are sweet.
Our conflicts are our special lessons in life. We can learn to flow with them, move through them, trust their value to us as growing, changing women. How good it feels to have found security with one another and that power greater than ourselves who can, when we are willing, show us the path to resolution.
Life will never be free of conflict--nor should it be. Our lessons move us to higher planes of awareness. We can experience the joy hidden within the conflict. We can help one another remember that the sweetness of a moment is tied to the pain of a former, forgotten moment.
Action for the Day: All events, all experiences, are connected. The path I travel, alone and with others, is bringing me brighter days. I will trust my path. It's right for me.
One Day At A Time
Judging Others

If I judge others, I am probably judging myself.
Whoever is upsetting me most is my best teacher.
I have much to learn from him or her, and in my heart,
I should thank that person.
- Daily Reflections, p. 289

Thought to Ponder . . .
By what measure I judge others, I judge myself.
By what measure I forgive others, I forgive myself.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
When Into Self, Discover Our Motives
Daily Motivation

Make use

You don’t have to keep running to catch up. You can make use of the opportunity of today to get out in front of life.

You don’t have to settle for less than the best. You can make use of your unique perspective, skills, knowledge, experience and passions to make life outstanding.

You don’t have to waste any more time. You can make use of each precious moment to bring beautiful, meaningful and satisfying fulfillment.

There are valuable possibilities stretching out in every direction. There is great abundance in this life and you are exquisitely equipped to tap into it.

Lovingly dive deep into your essence and feel your authentic passion. Make use of the energy of that passion to make a difference wherever you are, with whatever you have.

Make use of the immense and magnificent opportunity that is your life in this moment. Make use, and make life even more beautiful by the way you live it.

— Ralph Marston

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