Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daily Motivation 12-13-11

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Today's Gift

To heal ourselves is a reclamation of the power we all have as living beings to live in harmony with the life energy and to fulfill our potential as creatures among many on this planet. —Chellis Glendinning

We live in a world that tells us healing only comes from outside ourselves. To some, it may seem odd to think each of us has the ability to heal ourselves.

How is this possible? Easy - we can do it if we believe we can. Whatever we believe we cannot do will remain beyond our ability. But believing we can heal ourselves gives us access to many healing ways. Self-acceptance is healing. Singing, playing, walking by a river are healing. Even helping others with their problems can be healing to us. There are as many ways of self-healing as there are people in the world. Once we experience what is healing for us, we can go on to discover many more healing acts to share with others.

What healing things do I like to do?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
Keep It Simple
Occupation is essential. --Virginia Woolf
Having desires, setting goals, and achieving them are necessary to our fulfillment. There is purpose to our lives, even when we can't clearly see our direction; even when we doubt our abilities to contribute. Let us continue to respond to our opportunities.
Many of us experienced the clouds of inaction in earlier periods waiting, waiting, waiting, hoping our circumstances would change, even praying they would, but taking no responsibility for changing what was in our power. Inaction caged us. Stripped of power, life held little or no meaning. However, we've been given another chance... We have a reason for living, each day, even the days we feel hopeless and worthless.

Maybe we are without a goal at this time. Perhaps the guidance is not catching our attention. We can become quiet with ourselves and let our daydreams act as indicators. We have something essential to do, and we are being given all the chances we'll need to fulfill our purpose. We can trust in our worth, our necessity to others.
Action for the Day: I will remember, ... I must have a part to play. I will look and listen for my opportunities today.
One Day At A Time
The realization that even I had experienced something spiritual
was in itself a spiritual experience,
and I am only slowly understanding its implications.
What happened in the past, without my knowledge, is probably continuing now.
And in the future, when tomorrow becomes today, it can go on and on.
All that is required is a desire to stop drinking/drugging and to stay stopped.
- The Best of the Grapevine [Vol. 2], pp. 193-194

Thought to Ponder . . .
A spiritual awakening is our greatest gift.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
G I F T S =
Getting It From The Steps.
Daily Motivation

See the goal

See the goal clearly and you make it less distant. See the goal passionately and you make it more real.

See the goal in rich detail and you’ll figure out how you can get there. See the goal from the perspective of your life and your purpose, and you’ll understand why you must get there.

Simply visualizing the goal will not make it happen. Yet it will indeed make you make it happen.

Every moment you live, you have an influence on life. A clearly defined goal will focus all those momentary influences into meaningful achievement.

See the goal, and see what you must do. See the goal, not only with your eyes but with all you are, and you’ll understand why it matters.

See the goal, and as soon as you do, you begin to live it. See the goal, and make it real.

— Ralph Marston

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