Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Motivation 5-19-11

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Today's Gift

As we learn we always change, and so our perception. This changed perception then becomes a new Teacher inside each of us. —Hyemeyohsts Storm

Hyemeyohsts Storm's book, Seven Arrows, tells the stories of one of the Indian tribes in this country before most of its members were killed. They believed that change was important for growth. Change is sometimes frightening. We usually prefer the familiar, no matter how uncomfortable, over taking a chance on the unknown.

When fear gets in the way of making healthy changes, we talk to fear, inviting it along with us on our course of action. Getting to know fear allows us to ask it for a gift: the courage to walk with fear by our side and learn from it as we go. It allows us to learn which fear is blocking our progress and which fear is healthy - cautioning us against actions that might be harmful.

What fear might I make a friend of today?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©


Twenty-Four Hours A Day
Keep It Simple

The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.---Marcus Aurelius
The struggles of life teach us a lot. They challenge our beliefs. As we struggle, we come to believe that our friends, family, and Higher Power will be there for us in hard times. But we must do our part. We need to call and honestly let people know how we are doing. We need to pray and ask our Higher Power for help. If we do these things, we'll come to respect and learn from hard times.
Prayer for the Day: I pray for the wisdom to see that struggles are part of live. Higher Power, I pray for Your help in not taking struggles too personally.

Action for the Day: I'll list four times I've struggled and what I learned from each stuggle. I'll share this with a friend.


One Day At A Time

We have found that for us recovery began with not drinking -- with getting sober
and staying completely free of alcohol in any amount, and in any form.
We have also found that we have to stay away from other mind-changing drugs.
We can move forward toward a full and satisfying life only when we stay sober.
Sobriety is the launching pad for our recovery.
- Living Sober, p. 4

Thought to Ponder . . .
Every recovery from alcoholism began with one sober hour.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
S W A T =
Surrender, Willingness, Action, Trust.


Daily Motivation

Worry and gratitude

One of the very best cures for worry is gratitude. When your thoughts are filled with gratitude, there’s no room left for worry.

Whatever you focus your thoughts on, grows more prominent and abundant in your life. So instead of focusing on what you fear might happen, focus on what you know is already good in your world.

Worry is not any fun, and it doesn’t get you anything you want to have. Gratitude, on the other hand, feels great and opens your life to more positive possibilities.

It’s just as easy to be thankful as it is to be worried. You simply have to make the choice of one over the other.

If you try to fight against thoughts of worry, that just brings on more worry. Yet when you begin to count and appreciate your blessings, the worry gets crowded out of your mind.

Make a habit of being thankful. And you’ll never have to worry.

— Ralph Marston

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