Friday, September 17, 2010

Daily Motivations 9-17-2010

Friday, September 17, 2010
Today's Gift
Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
  —William Shakespeare

An important part of our lives is simply tending to our basic needs - sitting down daily to share a meal with loved ones, getting enough sleep, setting time aside for haircuts and polishing shoes, spending leisure time with friends. Paying attention to these things only when they become crises makes our lives unbalanced and crisis oriented. Many men have neglected themselves because they felt it was the mark of a tough guy. Others have been so lost in an addiction or so codependent that a respectful self-caring life was not possible.

As we regain our sanity, we find balance in the basics. Self-love allows us to be responsible for our care, and it puts us in a stronger position to help others, to be creative, and to assert our right to recovery.

Today, I will look after the essentials of my personal care and my family's care before I take on other things.
From Touchstones: A Book of Daily Meditations for Men ©

Twenty-Four Hours A Day
Keep It Simple

It is better to be wanted too much than not a all.---Anonymous

It may seem that so many people want our time and love. Parents say we don’t call often enough. Children demand our time. Our partners say we’re gone to much. Our sponsor tells us to check in more often.

When we feel off balance by all these people, we need to stop and rest. We need to remember how lonely we were when we were using. No one wanted our time and love then! Now we’re important to others again.

You can handle all this by giving people what they need and ask for, within reason---not what you think they need, which may be way too much. Maybe you need Al-Anon, to learn to love others while taking care of yourself.

Prayer for the Day:  Higher Power, help me put my time and energy to best use today. Help me find the balance I need between work, play, loving others, and self-care.

Action for the Day:  When I feel I have to give too much today, I’ll stop and ask my Higher Power for guidance.

One Day At A Time
Living Proof
~ Scroll down for share ~

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development,
we will be amazed before we are half way through.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 83

Thought to Ponder . . .
It works -- it really does.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O P E =
Heart Open; Please Enter.

A Member Shares:
Hi I'm Jeff, and a grateful alcoholic. There's a lot I had forgotten, but I do remember the first time I really knew I had a serious problem. I was standing at my back door looking out on my patio and, beer in hand, thinking why can't I put this down. I was drinking up to 18 or more a day. I remember thinking I'm educated, I know better than this...and yet every morning I made the run for beer and smokes. As time passed, a feeling welled up in me that something had to give.I can't keep doing this to myself. I thought talking to a counselor would straighten me out. "That's what I need, a counselor!" I talked, but he was a total jerk; someone I would never refer anyone to -- mental health issues or not. I struggled until finally I exploded. Unfortunately, it was on my ex-wife and a police officer, who politely landed me here. And by the grace of God, I don't have to live that life anymore. Has it been a challenge? Heck yes! Has it been worth it? You bet your life! It's been an amazing journey so far. When the Promises say you'll be amazed half way through, that's not a joke -- I'm living proof. Thank you all for all the support and kindness you've given me. May God bless each and every one of you.

Daily Motivation

Achievement is calling

Ambition is not just for the ambitious. Seeking achievement is not just for those who are young and hungry.

Achievement is also for those who are seasoned and satisfied. No matter how long you've been around, how much or how little you've already achieved, there is so much more that you can do.

Sure, it can be nice to sit back and relax for a while, and such relaxation is a healthy part of a balanced life. But relaxation, when it is endless, quickly loses its appeal.

Whether you're just starting out, or have come a long way already, or are starting over again, achievement is calling. Whatever your position, whatever your situation, you'll find great fulfillment in making a difference.

In all those things that stir your passion, there are valuable achievements waiting for you to bring them to life. In what you love, in the way you like to feel, there are pointers to your next great achievement.

Life is great, and yet as great as it is, you can make your own special improvements to it. Your next achievement will be the best one yet.

-- Ralph Marston

1 comment:

  1. Thank you from one addict to another I have relapsed and I needed these words to let me know that I am human and will make mistakes now I have learned from them and not do them again I know I have to change people places and things first and formost
