Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 3-22-2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Today's Gift

There's a period of life where we swallow a knowledge of ourselves and it becomes either good or sour inside. --Pearl Bailey

For too many of us, feelings of shame, even self-hatred, are paramount. No one of us has a fully untarnished past. Every person, even every child experiences regret over some action. We are not perfect. Perfection is not expected in the Divine plan. But we are expected to take our experiences and grow from them, to move beyond the shame of them, to celebrate what they have taught us.

Each day offers us a fresh start at assimilating all that we have been. What has gone before enriches who we are now, and through the many experiences we've survived, we have been prepared to help others, to smooth the way for another person, perhaps, who is searching for a new direction.

We can let go of our shame and know instead that it sweetens the nuggets of the wisdom we can offer to others. We are alike. We are not without faults. Our trials help another to smoother sailing.

I will relish the joy at hand. I can share my wisdom. All painful pasts brighten someone's future, when openly shared.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

If I Had My Life to Live Over ... I'd relax.... I would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers.... I'd start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry go rounds. I would pick more daisies. --Nadine Stair

"Letting go" is a theme with many variations. When we live with gusto and are released to experience the full excitement of life, we are letting go. When we turn our lives and wills over to the care of our Higher Power, we are freed of many cares. If we orient our lives with a compass that always points to fear and insecurity, or to power and success, we are giving ourselves over to those forces. But we can orient our lives to our Higher Power's care and support. That makes it possible to drop our guard, allow for some mistakes, and delight in the pleasures of creation.

Action for the Day: Today, let me forget my worries and enjoy the fullness of life.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

Prayer and Meditation
On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead. We consider our plans
for the day. Before we begin, we ask our Higher Power to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives.
- Alcoholics Anonymous, p 86

Thought to Ponder . . .
Prayer asks the question. Meditation listens for the answer.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
G I F T = G
oodness Is Forever There

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Care because
by Ralph Marston

Care, not because anyone else does. Care because it is one of the most meaningful things you can do.

Care, not because you are expected to. Care because of how your caring fulfills you.

Care because you are so grateful for the opportunity to live this day. Care because you can envision great possibilities, because you yearn to make them real.

Care, and fill your actions, your words with sincerity. Care enough to contribute to life, and do what you were born to do.

Care, by listening, by working, by understanding, by giving, by being there. Care, by being patient, by being supportive, by being honest and generous.

It’s easy to become jaded and cynical, yet far better for you, for everyone else, when you care. Care, and create even more goodness to care about.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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