Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 11-24-2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016
Today's Gift

The expression of praise as thanksgiving, gratitude, and joy is among the most powerful forms of affirmation. --Catherine Ponder

Praise inevitably has a multiple effect. It positively acknowledges another human being, enhancing their well being, while making us feel good. This offering of love, which is the substance of praise, heals all who share in its circle.

We can see the effects of affirmation in the people we admire. We can discern its absence too, particularly among those who struggle. How difficult is it to give small acknowledgments to those we care about? Making a habit of this heals our own inner wounds too.

Affirming a friend or ourselves connects us to the spirit residing within. That bond fills in our empty spaces, making us whole and healed. Our security grows as we praise one another.

I will freely offer my love in the form of praise to the wonderful friends on my path today.

From the book A Woman's Spirit by Karen Casey. ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Freedom is not enough.---Lyndon B. Johnson

We are free of most of our dysfunctions. We’ve been given a second chance or third chance.
For that, we thank our Higher Power. We’ve started a new life. But to keep this life, we need to change. We need new friends. We need to let a Higher Power guide our hearts, minds, and bodies. We need new friends. We need to let a Higher Power guide our hearts, and bodies. We need to learn new values and how to stand up for them. We need to learn how to give and receive.

Freedom from dependence is not enough. We also want to be happy, and to do something with our lives. So each day we keep learning, we keep growing. Each day without acting out on our dysfunctions is a gift, a gift from our Higher Power.

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, You set me free. Now teach me to stay free. Guide me, for keeping my freedom is a big task.

Action for the Day: I will meditate on my freedom. I will take time to list all the ways I am now free.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

One Day At A Time

Holiday 'Blues'
If there is any message here for those coming to our Fellowship new and shaky in the late fall, it is this: Hang on; stick close; live for the day or the moment;
don't let the mechanical reactions of the past sneak up on you;
don't spoil the present, imperfect as it may seem, with a single shot,
a single glass of enticingly sparkling wine.

The sense of accomplishment and comfortableness that follows on making
it through one's first sober holidays is beyond compare.
There may be tensions in later years, but none quite so traumatic.
And if ever the holiday blues do strike, call on your AA friends.

They understand because they've been there, too. They have learned, as you will,
the more than compensatory joys of gratitude, and giving, and beginning each day anew.
- AA Grapevine, November 1967

Thought to Ponder . . .
I am worth staying sober for.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
O D A A T =
One Day At A Time

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Allow gratitude
by Ralph Marston

Gratitude empowers, energizes, opens you to new possibilities. Allow gratitude to flow, now, into every part of your awareness.

You already know how good you feel when you feel thankful. Allow that feeling to put all your other feelings in a positive perspective.

Gratitude connects you, calms frustration, eases anxiety, promotes understanding. Allow your gratitude to spread out to the world that surrounds you.

Allow gratitude to create a positive space within you. Fill that space with joy, achievement, peace and love.

Allow gratitude to inform your thinking, to color your words, to guide your actions. Allow gratitude to shine its light on the endless abundance in which you’re always immersed.

This day, this moment, this situation is a culmination of all the good and valuable things that are your life. Allow gratitude, and allow yourself to make the very best of all that is.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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