Friday, July 15, 2016

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 7-14-2016

Thursday, July 14, 2016
Today's Gift

Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind. --Alice Meyvell

It's thought that Abe Lincoln once said, "We're as happy as we make up our minds to be." In other words, we decide to be happy. Bad weather, lost toys, broken plans, even angry friends don't have to ruin our own happiness unless we let them. We're always in control of our own thoughts and feelings, and happiness is a feeling we can choose even when others around us have chosen to be angry or sad. Even when the day is gloomy and none of our plans are working out, we can still be cheerful if we decide to be. How lucky we are that someone else can't decide for us how to feel. We'd be nothing more than robots if that were true.

Am I ready to make this day a happy one?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©

rom: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

Through spontaneity we are reformed into ourselves. Freed from handed-down frames of reference, spontaneity becomes the moment of personal freedom when we are faced with a reality, explore it, and act accordingly. --Viola Spolin

Living in the here and the now opens up untold possibilities for new growth. Our inner self is enticed in new directions when our attention is fully in the present. When our minds are still on last night's argument or tomorrow's board meeting, we wear blinders to the activity at hand. And our Higher Power, as our teacher and protector, resides in this experience, in the hearts of these people present.

Every single moment has something for us. Maybe a new piece of information. A piece that solves a problem that's been puzzling us. Perhaps a chance to make a new friend, one who will be there in a time of need.

Letting go of yesterday frees us. We need not be burdened. It is gone. Our lives could be eased, so much, if we kept our focus on the experience at hand, where the problems we ponder have their solutions. Always.

Action for the Day: I will greet today, skipping, smiling, ready for the answers, the truths, the directions meant only for me. The wonders of today will bless me.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums
One Day At A Time

“It is today the view of every thoughtful AA member that if, over the years ahead,
we practice this anonymity absolutely, it will guarantee our effectiveness and unity
by heavily restraining those to whom public honors and distinctions
are but stepping-stones to dominance and personal power.”
- ‘Pass It On’ . . .The story of Bill Wilson and how the AA message reached the world. p. 312

Thought to Ponder . . .
I asked my Higher Power to make me famous. Instead, he made me anonymous.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Adventurers Anonymous

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Let joy
by Ralph Marston

Somewhere in this very moment there is joy. Choose to let it touch you.

You do not have to arrange for joy to appear, or coax it out of life. All you have to do is allow it, and joy will be.

Joy does not need a special circumstance or elaborate condition. It only needs for you to let it arise.

In the tiny, unremarkable moments, joy is always ready and waiting. In the magnificent, dramatic times it is there as well.

Joy will be if you will let it. Think back, and you’ll see how often you’ve known this to be true.

Relax your defenses, open and expose your most authentic self to life. Joy will surely reach and fill you.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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