Friday, December 11, 2015

The Work-In: Daily Motivation 12-11-2015

Friday, December 11, 2015
Today's Gift

Occupation is essential. —Virginia Woolf

Having desires, setting goals, and achieving them are necessary to our fulfillment. There is purpose to our lives, even when we can't clearly see our direction; even when we doubt our abilities to contribute. Let us continue to respond to our opportunities.

Many of us experienced the clouds of inaction in earlier periods waiting, waiting, waiting, hoping our circumstances would change, even praying they would, but taking no responsibility for changing what was in our power. Inaction caged us. Stripped of power, life held little or no meaning. However, we've been given another chance. We have a reason for living, each day, even the days we feel hopeless and worthless.

Maybe we are without a goal at this time. Perhaps the guidance is not catching our attention. We can become quiet with ourselves and let our daydreams act as indicators. We have something essential to do, and we are being given all the chances we'll need to fulfill our purpose. We can trust in our worth, our necessity to others.

I will remember, I must have a part to play. I will look and listen for my opportunities today.

From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey ©

From: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation - Thought for the Day

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

The art of living lies not in eliminating but in growing with troubles. -- Bernard M. Baruch

Naturally, we wish to avoid pain and difficulty, but life experience and a measure of reflection show us that most of what comes our way is beyond our control. We'll never outwit all the possibilities for trouble, even if we live to be 100 years old. We have often failed to learn from trouble because we cast ourselves in the roles of passive persons and victims. We pointed outside ourselves and said, "Look at what is happening to poor me!"

When we use trouble as our teacher, we develop the art of living. We are taking a spiritual approach, using our Higher Power as our guide. We can choose today to use our difficulties for our learning and growth. We might ask, "What can I learn from this experience about myself as a man? How can I use this to strengthen myself for the future?" Serenity develops, not by eliminating life's difficulties, but by having a reliable relationship with our Higher Power in the midst of it all.

Action for the day: With my Higher Power as my guide, I will use whatever comes my way as an opportunity for growth.

From: Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums
Daily Recovery Readings -

One Day At A Time


We shall have to come to grips with some of our worst character defects
and take action toward their removal as quickly as we can.
The moment we say, "No, never!" our minds close against the grace of God.
Delay is dangerous, and rebellion may be fatal.
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p, 69

Thought to Ponder . . .
When I got busy, I got better.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A A = Accountable Actions.

From: AA Thought for the Day (courtesy

Daily Motivation

Excerpt of The Daily Motivator

Involved and inspired
by Ralph Marston

Get yourself moving, speaking, writing, listening, building and creating, and the inspiration you seek will come. Raise your energy level and you’ll attract inspiration like a magnet.

The times when you are most inspired are the times when you are most involved in life. Get involved and you will be inspired.

Speak, and you will find your voice. Dance, and you will find your rhythm.

Work, and you will find a worthy and fulfilling purpose. Step forward, set forth on the journey, and you will find the path.

A ship sailing across the sea is guided by its rudder only when it is in motion. In the same way, inspiration will guide and enhance your life to the extent you make yourself an active participant.

Waiting for inspiration is nothing more than an excuse to avoid effort. Stop waiting, start moving, and live a truly inspired life.

From The Daily Motivator website at

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