Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daily Motivation 11-1-2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012
Today's Gift

Always think of what you have to do as easy and it will become so. --Emile Corie

How we think about the activities before us is very important. If we think cleaning the garage is hard, dirty, and no chance for fun, that's just how it will feel. We'll be tired before we even begin. However, if we approach it like a treasure hunt, expecting to rediscover some long-forgotten treasures, we'll enjoy the task. In fact, it will feel like a game.

The thoughts we carry in our minds determine whether our tasks are fun or not. What good fortune it is that we can control those thoughts. If we approach an assignment for school or a job believing that we're able to do it, that it's not too hard for us, we'll finish with ease. Our thoughts determine our successes. In this way, our lives are in our own hands.

How much better can I make my life today?

From the book Today's Gift By Anonymous

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple
For to be an adult is to have interests and duties, raying out in all directions from the central core, like spokes from the hub of a wheel. --Anne Morrow Lindbergh

It is sometimes easy to get overwhelmed by our duties, forgetting that our interests fit the scheme of our lives. They are inspired by our lives and flow from them. Our interests round us out; they beckon us to become our better selves.

Our duties have their places as well. In our careers, with our families and friends, we have responsibilities. People need to be able to count on us for our part in completing their particular scheme for life.

Finding the right balance between our duties and our interests takes daily attention. It is perhaps our greatest struggle. Feeling duty-bound is common among men and women; putting a low value on our interests is a familiar trick we play on ourselves.

We need reminding that our interests will cull out our better, inner selves. We must stretch to become all we are meant to be. Our interests entice us to live up to our Higher Power's expectations.

Action for the Day: Each day I need to pay heed to interests as well as duties. I will let no day go by without heeding an interest.

One Day At A Time

In AA we have found that the actual good results of prayer are beyond question.
They are matters of knowledge and experience.
All those who have persisted have found strength nor ordinarily their own.
They have found wisdom beyond their usual capability.
And they have increasingly found a peace of mind
which can stand firm in the face of difficult circumstances. 
- Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 104

Thought to Ponder . . .
Prayers may seem unanswered, but never are.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
A S A P = Always Say A Prayer.

Daily Motivation

Life on this day

Don’t be content to merely gaze at images on a screen. Feel the rich, real and varied texture of life as you actively participate in it.

Look other people in the eye, not just through a camera. Engage in long and meaningful conversations, not just in abbreviated updates.

Live firsthand. Experience the fullness of what life feels like.
You are not just a concept or an identity. You are a beautiful and unique living embodiment of the miracle of existence.

Touch and hear and taste and see what’s really there. Live all the magnificent details of the experience.
Get fully involved in the living of life in all its dimensions. Live firsthand, and experience it all yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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