Friday, May 4, 2012

Daily Motivation 5-4-2012

Friday, May 4, 2011
Today's Gift

A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows. —John Powell

Should you become a doctor or perhaps an actor? Maybe being a writer or an athlete appeals to you. Dreaming of what to be can be useful. It helps us set our goals and learn our values. Also, using our imagination lets us "try on" a future role. We learn about our life's direction through our dreams of where to go and what to do.

Not all dreams are helpful, however. Sometimes we daydream about other things when we really do need to listen. Learning how to use our imagination to guide our plans for growing up takes practice.

Imagining ourselves happy and brave will help us feel both. Imagining ourselves as failures can be just as powerful. Let's respect the power of the imagination and use it to form good images of our future.

How can I build goodness and success into my future today?

From Today's Gift: Daily Meditations for Families ©

Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Keep It Simple

I am the greatest.---Muhammad Ali

We need to believe in ourselves. we're sober. We're honest. We're trustworthy. We're not making so many problems for other people anymore We do our share. We can even help others sometimes.

We're glad that others help us. We thank our Higher Power every day. But we also give ourselves credit. We're working our program. We can handle life as best we can. And as long as we ask our Higher Power to work through us, we are the greatest.

Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me feel proud of the changes in my life.

Action for the Day: Today, I'll talk with my sponsor about pride. What is good pride? What should I watch out for?

One Day At A Time

Until we actually sit down and talk aloud about what we have so long hidden,
our willingness to clean house is still largely theoretical.
When we are honest with another person, it confirms
that we have been honest with ourselves and with God.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 60

Thought to Ponder . . .
Honesty is the absence of the intent to deceive.

AA-related 'Alconym' . . .
H O W =
Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.

Daily Motivation

Through the difficulties

One of life’s greatest gifts is the fact that life is difficult. Because in dealing with life’s difficulties, you build priceless skills.

Those skills enable you to successfully fulfill your deepest, most meaningful purposes. It is precisely because life is difficult that you are able to make it great.

It is because life is difficult that you are able to rise above the difficulties. You are able to make a difference and you are able to truly matter.

The burdens you carry can set the stage for your greatest triumphs. The challenges you work through challenge you to become stronger and more capable.

Life’s difficulties provide the resistance to strengthen your life muscles. Though it is painful to feel the burn, it is also immensely satisfying to feel those muscles growing ever more powerful.

Accept and acknowledge life’s difficulties, and you connect yourself with life’s great opportunities. Work your way through the difficulties, and you arrive at sweet, satisfying fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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